Hillary Clinton Endorsed by The Atlantic


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of The Atlantic magazine. While it is not the first time the magazine has endorsed a presidential candidate, it is only the third time in the publications history that it has done so. In their op-ed, the magazine’s editorial board urges voters to choose Clinton over Republican Donald Trump. Citing Clinton’s temperament and experience in the public sphere, they fully endorsed Clinton for president. Read their full op-ed HERE, and a excerpt is below:

“Hillary Rodham Clinton has more than earned, through her service to the country as first lady, as a senator from New York, and as secretary of state, the right to be taken seriously as a White House contender. She has flaws (some legitimately troubling, some exaggerated by her opponents), but she is among the most prepared candidates ever to seek the presidency. We are confident that she understands the role of the United States in the world; we have no doubt that she will apply herself assiduously to the problems confronting this country; and she has demonstrated an aptitude for analysis and hard work.”

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News Source: The Atlantic