VP Biden Campaigns for Hillary in Philadelphia


Vice President Joe Biden campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine today in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Biden spoke about a number of Clinton’s platform points, but he spent a good amount of his time attacking Donald Trump. Following last night’s debate, Biden said that it was obvious Trump was in over his head. He criticized Trump for practically confirming that he paid no taxes. Trump said that made him “smart.” Biden said it makes him mad. “Tell that to your mothers and fathers who are breaking their neck to send you here, they’re paying taxes … It angers me, it angers me,” he said. He also attacked Trump for saying that the 2008 housing crash was “good business.” Biden asked, “What in the hell is he talking about?” Biden also spoke about the importance of voting urging everyone to register and vote on November 8. A video of Biden’s speech is below.

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News Source: The Seattle Times, NBC News