Kaine Campaigns in Houston, Chelsea in Flint


On Friday, Tim Kaine and Chelsea Clinton remained on the campaign trail as Hillary Clinton prepares for Monday night’s debate. In Houston, Texas, Kaine spoke at a rally at a local union hall where he spoke about Hillary’s plans and the importance of Texas in November’s election. “We look at what you’re doing … and we’re very, very proud of it. We can feel the spirit, the energy. We can see a state that has been red, a state moving in the best direction,” he said. Following his speech, Kaine continued to a series of fundraisers in Austin, but he held a surprise press appearance with about 40 Hispanic Texas officials who announced their endorsement of Hillary and Kaine. Videos from the rally and conference are below.

Chelsea Clinton spent the day in Flint, Michigan where she began with a news conference with Flint Mayor Karen Weaver and Representative Dan Kildee. During the press event, Chelsea and Mayor Weaver spoke about the improvements made in Flint since the beginning of the water crisis, but both cautioned that there is still work to be done. Chelsea urged Congress to act and approve emergency funding to assist with the cleaning of the city’s water supply. Following the conference, Chelsea attended a phone bank kickoff at a local UAW hall. Videos from the events will be added when/if available.


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News Source: Houston Chronicle, The Texas Tribune, The Detroit News, Detroit Free Press