Kaine Campaigns in Houston, Chelsea in Flint


On Friday, Tim Kaine and Chelsea Clinton remained on the campaign trail as Hillary Clinton prepares for Monday night’s debate. In Houston, Texas, Kaine spoke at a rally at a local union hall where he spoke about Hillary’s plans and the importance of Texas in November’s election. “We look at what you’re doing … and we’re very, very proud of it. We can feel the spirit, the energy. We can see a state that has been red, a state moving in the best direction,” he said. Following his speech, Kaine continued to a series of fundraisers in Austin, but he held a surprise press appearance with about 40 Hispanic Texas officials who announced their endorsement of Hillary and Kaine. Videos from the rally and conference are below.

Chelsea Clinton spent the day in Flint, Michigan where she began with a news conference with Flint Mayor Karen Weaver and Representative Dan Kildee. During the press event, Chelsea and Mayor Weaver spoke about the improvements made in Flint since the beginning of the water crisis, but both cautioned that there is still work to be done. Chelsea urged Congress to act and approve emergency funding to assist with the cleaning of the city’s water supply. Following the conference, Chelsea attended a phone bank kickoff at a local UAW hall. Videos from the events will be added when/if available.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Houston Chronicle, The Texas Tribune, The Detroit News, Detroit Free Press

Hillary Clinton Interviewed by ESSENCE Magazine


An interview with Hillary Clinton is featured in the October issue of ESSENCE magazine. Clinton was interviewed by ESSENCE Editor-in-chief Vanessa K. De Luca, and they discussed how Clinton’s proposals would benefit black women. Clinton spoke about a number of her plans including ensuring equal pay for women, ensuring that students graduate from college debt-free, and her plans to enact criminal justice reform. Read the full interview below.

In ESSENCE Magazine’s October Issue, Secretary Hillary Clinton sat for an exclusive interview with the editor-in-chief Vanessa DeLuca to discuss her agenda for Black America.  She outlined her commitment to support women business owners, equal pay, criminal justice reform and to protect President Obama’s legacy.

ESSENCE: Thank you, Secretary Clinton, for spending time with ESSENCE. Let’s jump right in: In 2012, more than 70 percent of eligible Black women voters went to the polls and 96 percent of them voted for President Obama. How do you plan on energizing this bloc to vote for you in 2016?

HILLARY CLINTON: First, thank you, Vanessa. I’m delighted to be talking with you today. I think what’s remarkable and worthy of great attention is the percentage of Black women who vote. Black women understand that politics and government have a direct effect on their lives. I want to build on the progress that has been made under President Obama. I am absolutely unabashed in saying that I don’t think he gets the credit for what he’s achieved.

There is a very clear set of issues that are particularly important to African-American women. I will continue to reach out to say, “Look, we’ve got to build on the progress. I can’t do it without you. I want to know what you need, and I want you to know that I’m going to do everything I can to respond to those needs.

ESSENCE: In a poll we conducted with civic engagement group Black Women’s Roundtable last year, we asked our audience to tell us the top three issues they found to be the most critical in deciding whether they would vote for a particular candidate. The issues were affordable health care, living wage and college affordability. How can the middle class participate in the affordable health care plan in the ways they are prevented from doing right now?

HILLARY CLINTON: I was thrilled when President Obama got the Affordable Care Act through. I will be looking to see how we make it truly affordable so that the co-pays, the premiums and the deductibles don’t take such a huge chunk out of a woman’s or a family’s budget. Women are eligible for Medicare starting at age 65, but what about the women between 55 and 65 who are maybe facing health challenges but don’t have Medicare? What about caretakers, all the women who cut back on their work hours or stop their work life to care for a child, a spouse or an elderly relative? They are hurt when it comes to social security, so how do we take care of that? I want to look at this broadly to figure out how we help people get the quality affordable health care that everybody needs and deserves to different points in their life.

ESSENCE: Let’s shift to the second issue. Black women with a bachelor’s degree are making $10,000 less than the average White male with an associate’s degree. How do you plan to address the significant pay gaps for us?

HILLARY CLINTON: More good jobs with rising incomes is the centerpiece of how we’re going to provide a higher standard of living for people. There is still too much explicit and implicit bias in employment, hiring and promoting that, again, disproportionately affect the African-American women. I am in favor of raising the minimum wage, and support the efforts that have already been successful in New York and California to raise it to 15$ per hour. I want to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act so that you’re not retaliated against if you try to find out what you’re paid. Right now if you and I are working for the same company and we’re having lunch together and I say, “Well I’m making X an hour or my salary is Y,” and you say, “But we’re doing the same job and I am making X minus or Y minus,” we could both be fired for that.

ESSENCE: A lot of our readers are excited about your student loan plan. How will it assist those of us with college loan debt, especially those who attended historically Black colleges and universities?

HILLARY CLINTON: From the very moment I rolled out my college affordability plan, I made it very clear that I wanted to get back to where we used to be, where it was possible for someone for someone from a modest-income family to afford to go to college. I have a plan to make four-year public colleges and universities tuition-free. If you make less than $125,000 a year, you should not have to borrow a penny to pay for all their other costs. I also have a really strong commitment to historically Black colleges and billion fund set aside that will help HBCUs be competitive, be able to upgrade their laboratories and be able to provide more financial support to make sure they remain a viable option.

ESSENCE: Why is that important to you?

HILLARY CLINTON: My first boss, Marian Wright Edelman went to Spelman, and another great friend of mine, Vernon Jordan, got his law degree at Howard. I’ve has close friends talk about how that experience was so important in their maturing and that they felt very nurtured—challenged, but nurtured. I have visited a lot of HBCUs and the ones that are the public colleges and universities in a lot of states are being shortchanged when it comes to funding, so they’re having to close departments and buildings. It’s not that these schools don’t have the demand; they still do. They don’t have the resources. I want to provide a floor underneath them. I have a plan to help refinance your debt, to get it paid down, to ensure you pay no more than 10 percent of your income for your debt and to provide relief. If you go into public service, and that includes teaching and law enforcement, we will forgive the rest of your debt after ten years.

ESSENCE: How will you deal with the ongoing issue of police brutality and racial profiling should be elected president?

HILLARY CLINTON: I think there are four issues that we have to address simultaneously. One is policing reform and I think President Obama’s policing commission has excellent recommendations. What I intend to do is use the federal budget to incentivize and catalyze the 18,000 police departments we have in America to follow those kinds of recommendations. I want there to be national guidelines on the use of force, particularly lethal force, that every department would accept and that they would then train their police and hold them accountable. I want independent investigations of any police incident that results in the death of any person.

ESSENCE: Beyond a grand jury?

HILLARY CLINTON: New York, after some of our regrettable, terrible incidents, made the right decision by legislating that the attorney general of the state would take over these investigations. I want to have a better approach to accountability and justice. I want to provide second-chance programs for people coming out of jail and prison, but I want to do much more to divert people from ever getting their in the first place. Honestly, young, Black kids, particularly young Black boys, for being kids. I want to replace the cradle-to-prison pipeline with a cradle-to-college or –career pipeline and really emphasize that.

ESSENCE: Obviously the country is in a very precarious state right now. There’s lots of division and failure to see the other side. How would you bring us all together?

HILLARY CLINTON: I hope that by reaching out to people—especially across the aisle to Republicans as I did when I was First Lady, as senator and as secretary of state—I will demonstrate that I’m walking the walk as well as talking the talk. I know that it takes time and investment of your energy to build relationships, but investment of your energy to build relationships, but there’s no substitute for that. I intend to begin doing that as soon as I possibly can. This will determine what kind of lives we have and certainly what kind of lives our children and grandchildren will have. Are we going to be fairer, more just society with opportunity for all, one that builds an inclusive economic prosperity that people can feel is helping them get ahead? Are we going to stand against discrimination, bigotry, bluster and bullying? Those are all core beliefs that I have about the kind of country that I think we must be, and in our better moments, we are.

ESSENCE: Should there be resistance, how will you push back against that?

HILLARY CLINTON: I expect there will be resistance, but you have to work to find whatever common ground you can. I don’t know if you have seen the wonderful musical “Hamilton” but there is a point where George Washington says that he is going to step down and people are shocked.  But he said, “It’s the right thing to do,” and then he said, “History’s eyes are on us.” I think history’s eyes are still on us. We’ve got to keep working together and that means creating common ground and common purpose wherever we can. There will always be naysayers; there will always be haters. But we can’t let them drive our agenda. What we’re trying to do is much bigger than them and much more hopeful than they even understand. I am going to keep reaching out, and based on my experience I think we can make progress.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: ESSENCE

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by the Cincinnati Enquirer and Los Angeles Times


On Friday, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of two prominent newspaper editorial boards. She was endorsed by The Los Angeles Times and The Cincinnati Enquirer. The Los Angeles Times summed up their decision in the first two sentences saying, “American voters have a clear choice on Nov. 8. We can elect an experienced, thoughtful and deeply knowledgeable public servant or a thin-skinned demagogue who is unqualified and unsuited to be president.” The Cincinnati Enquirer on the other hand is quite a score for Clinton. The paper has endorsed Republican presidential candidates for the past one hundred years. While they acknowledge that Clinton has faults, they conclude, “The Enquirer has supported Republicans for president for almost a century – a tradition this editorial board doesn’t take lightly. But this is not a traditional race, and these are not traditional times. Our country needs calm, thoughtful leadership to deal with the challenges we face at home and abroad. We need a leader who will bring out the best in all Americans, not the worst.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Cincinnati Enquirer, The Los Angeles Times

HFA Statement on Report About Trump Aide’s Ties To Kremlin


Following recent reports of Donald Trump campaign aide Carter Page’s ties to Russia and the Kremlin, Hillary for America senior national spokesperson Glen Caplin released the following statement:

“It’s chilling to learn that U.S. intelligence officials are conducting a probe into suspected meetings between Trump’s foreign policy adviser Carter Page and members of Putin’s inner circle while in Moscow. You have to ask why he would meet with Igor Diveykin, who is believed by U.S. officials ‘to have responsibility for intelligence collected by Russian agencies about the U.S. election.’ This comes as Russian hackers continue their attempts to influence the outcome of our elections, something Trump openly invited. This is serious business and voters deserve the facts before election day.

Just one day after we learned about Trump’s hundreds of millions of dollars in undisclosed Russian business interests, this report suggests Page met with a sanctioned top Russian official to discuss the possibility of ending U.S. sanctions against Russia under a Trump presidency – an action that could directly enrich both Trump and Page while undermining American interests. This is precisely what more than fifty national security experts warned against when they called on Trump to disclose and divest his conflict-laden foreign assets that could endanger our national security.

We’ve never seen anything like this in American politics. Every day seems to cast new doubts on what’s truly driving Donald Trump’s decision-making: the interests of the American people or his own bottom line. He needs to immediately disclose the full extent of his business relationships and foreign assets so the voters can make that determination for themselves.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Yahoo News

Group of Prominent Business Leaders Backing Clinton Grows


On Friday, Hillary for America released a name of prominent business leaders who support Hillary Clinton for president. A full copy of HFA’s release is below.

The group of prominent business leaders backing Hillary Clinton continued to grow today with more than 40 additional leaders. These leaders share Clinton’s belief that we are stronger together and that Clinton is the candidate with the experience and qualifications to help build an economy that works for everyone. The endorsement comes one day after a new report from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget found that Donald Trump’s economic plan would balloon the debt by $5.3 trillion – 26 times more than Clinton’s according to CNBC. An independent analysis by Mark Zandi, a former economic advisor to John McCain, found that the economy would create 10.4 million jobs under Clinton’s plans, while Trump’s plans would result in a “lengthy recession” and a loss of 3.4 million jobs.

This announcement follows one from earlier this summer that included 52 business leaders backing Clinton. Clinton has laid out detailed plans to create good, high paying jobs through investment in infrastructure, research, technology, and more, as well as other policies that strengthen the climate for businesses to grow and hire. Through cost cutting, new innovations and reforms to our tax code, Clinton’s policy plans are deficit neutral.

“Hillary Clinton understands what we need to do to strengthen the economy and the top priority of her administration is to create jobs and make the economy work for everyone, not just those at the top,” Campaign Chair John Podesta said. “We’re fortunate a growing number of business leaders recognize Hillary Clinton is the right candidate for the economy. Donald Trump’s plan would balloon the debt while costing jobs – setting our economy back and leaving the middle class out in the cold.”

Our campaign continues to hear from a wide range of business leaders like these from around the country who believe Hillary Clinton understands the complex world we live in and is proposing serious solutions.

“As a business leader, I know we need to balance our budgets and pay our bills, and I’ve always looked for that kind of fiscally responsible approach in elected leaders too. Hillary Clinton has laid out detailed and concrete plans to invest in things like infrastructure, to cut spending, and to reform our tax code. And she has a plan to pay for these proposals.” Todd Bradley, CEO of Mozido said. “Multiple independent studies have shown that Donald Trump’s plans would balloon the national debt by trillions of dollars – and leave the bill to be paid by our kids and grandkids. In these turbulent times, we need steady, levelheaded leadership, and I would not want Donald Trump making decisions about my company, let alone our country’s economy. The choice is clear in this election – Hillary Clinton not only has the temperament and necessary experience to be President, but she has the capability to handle the economic challenges facing the nation.” 

The full list of business leaders endorsing today is below.

  • Carl Bass, CEO and president of Autodesk
  • Todd Bradley, CEO of Mozido
  • Michael E. Campbell, Former Chair and CEO of Arch Chemicals
  • Vint Cerf, Internet Pioneer
  • Marcelo Claure, President and CEO of Sprint
  • Stephen J. Cloobeck, Founder, Diamond Resorts International
  • Don Cornwell, Co-Founder and Retired Chairman and CEO of Granite Broadcasting Corporation
  • Donald L. Dell, Group President Media, Tennis & Events of Lagardère Sports and Entertainment
  • Steven Denning, Chairman of General Atlantic
  • Dagmar Dolby
  • John Donahoe, Chairman of PayPal and former CEO of eBay
  • Esther Dyson, Chairman of EDventure
  • Peter Georgescu, Chairman Emeritus of Young & Rubicam
  • Stephen L. Green, Founder and Chairman of SL Green Realty Corp
  • Leo Hindery, Jr., Managing Partner of InterMedia Partners and former CEO of AT&T Broadband
  • Jacqueline C. Hinman, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of CH2M
  • Lisa Hook, President and CEO of Neustar, Inc.
  • Jerry Jasinowski, Former President of the National Association of Manufacturers
  • Jeffrey Katzenberg, Chairman of DreamWorks New Media
  • Vinod Khosla, Founder of Khosla Ventures
  • Dara Khosrowshahi, President and CEO of Expedia, Inc.
  • Noah Lang, CEO of Stride Health
  • Alex Laskey, President and Founder of Opower
  • Stephen Luczo, CEO of Seagate Technology PLC
  • Ted Maidenberg, Co-Founder and Partner of Social Capital
  • Danny Meyer, CEO of Union Square Hospitality Group
  • Chance Mitchell, Co-Founder and CEO of NGLCC
  • Nathan Myhrvold, PhD, Founder and CEO of Intellectual Ventures
  • David Nevins, CEO of Showtime Networks, Inc.
  • Javier Palomarez, President and CEO of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
  • Jeff Raikes, Co-Founder of the Raikes Foundation and former CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Tricia Raikes, Co-Founder of the Raikes Foundation
  • Robert W. Roche, Founder of Roche Enterprises, Ltd.
  • Clara Shih, CEO and Founder of Hearsay Social
  • Srinija Srinivasan, Co-Founder of Loove
  • Sherman Tate, President and CEO of Tate and Associates
  • Diana Taylor, Vice Chair of Solera Capital
  • Jonathan Tisch, Co-Chairman of the Board of Loews Corporation and Chairman of Loews Hotels
  • Diane von Furstenberg
  • Padmasree Warrior, CEO of NextEV USA and former CTSO of Cisco
  • Daniel Weiss, Managing Partner of Angeleno Group
  • Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube

The individuals listed herein have endorsed in their personal capacity and this does not reflect the endorsement of any organization, corporation or entity to which they are affiliated. Titles and affiliations of each individual are provided for identification purposes only.

Additional quotes by some of the business leaders endorsing are available below.

“I’m supporting Hillary Clinton because she is the only candidate with the intelligence, judgment and experience necessary to do the job.” – Carl Bass, CEO and president of Autodesk

“I support the election of Hillary Clinton as President of the United States. I do not agree with all of her policy positions. When I consider the candidates’ experience, judgment, and temperament, though, there is only one choice – I’m with her.” – Michael E. Campbell, Former Chair and CEO of Arch Chemicals

“In a time of uncertainty and global unrest, the US needs the leadership of someone who knows how to solve problems and get things done. That’s Hillary Clinton and I am voting for her in November.” – Vint Cerf, Internet Pioneer

“I am proud to support Hillary Clinton for President of the United States of America. No one is more qualified to be President than Hillary Clinton and she has a proven track record of fighting for all Americans. She understands the responsibility that comes with governance, and won’t pursue risky policies that jeopardize America’s future or further divide our country. As a Hispanic immigrant, I am so very fortunate to have experienced the American dream first-hand. And many others like me should be afforded that same opportunity. That’s why we need comprehensive immigration reform. Hillary Clinton understands that and is the right leader that will ensure the United States remains a global leader working toward a more just, equal, and prosperous society.” – Marcelo Claure, President and CEO of Sprint

“America is a great country whose greatness enables entrepreneurs, who can come from nothing and from anywhere in the world, to create the small and medium-sized businesses that produce good jobs and are the best of America. Hillary Clinton stands for those values and will continue to support policies that allow our businesses to grow and entrepreneurialism to foster the jobs of our future. Democrats are the party of small business and entrepreneurialism and Secretary Clinton is the only candidate in the race qualified to lead and nurture the kind of economic growth that our middle class needs and that harnesses the American dream.” – Stephen J. Cloobeck, Founder, Diamond Resorts International

“Hillary Clinton is by far the most qualified candidate for President in this election. I believe she will do a first class job of governing our country and will fulfill her duties as President in an exemplary manner. Her intelligence, warmth, and depth of character has been demonstrated throughout her career in public service and these qualities will shine through during her time as President.” – Donald L. Dell, Group President Media, Tennis & Events of Lagardère Sports and Entertainment

“Hillary Clinton’s deep experience, seasoned judgment, and measured temperament make her one of the most qualified presidential candidates in the history of our nation. Her plans to build infrastructure, support entrepreneurship, and expand the economy, show that she is a steady and fiscally responsible leader with the foresight to lead our country confidently into the future. Donald Trump has none of the necessary attributes, nor the temperament, to qualify him to be president and commander-in-chief. His economic plans for our country are unrealistic and would balloon the national debt, leading to economic disaster. In this election, there is just no comparison – Hillary Clinton is the clear choice to lead our country.” – Steven Denning, Chairman of General Atlantic

“Hillary Clinton is eminently qualified to be President of the United States. She understands that good businesses contribute to their communities and help move America forward. Building an inclusive, innovative America is tantamount to building a prosperous one. For our country, for our families, for our children we need Hillary Clinton as our next President. Her opponent doesn’t have the temperament, the qualifications or the experience to be in the Oval Office.” – Dagmar Dolby

“…because she understands that the presidency is a job, not a prize.” – Esther Dyson, Chairman of EDventure

“The 2016 election is without doubt the most important election in all our lifetimes. The next President must possess wisdom, experience, a steady hand, a willingness to bring all Americans together. The world around us requires understanding, delicacy, and the courage to act with intelligence. We must move all humanity toward the good. In this contentious election, the only choice is Hillary Clinton.” – Peter Georgescu, Chairman Emeritus of Young & Rubicam

“As a native New Yorker, I’ve spent a good part of my life working to improve the city I call home. I supported Hillary Clinton when she was the Senator from New York and I support her now for President. Hillary is the candidate in this race who has consistently put forth concrete proposals to grow our economy and invest in vital infrastructure. We need her as our next President.” – Stephen L. Green, Founder and Chairman of SL Green Realty Corp

“Hillary Clinton’s plan to support new entrepreneurs will ensure innovation and progress remain a cornerstone of our economy. Donald Trump has failed to put forth concrete proposals to help American business owners succeed and grow their companies. Instead of offering policy proposals, he is trafficking in divisive rhetoric that threatens to take our country backwards. The choice is clear in this election, and I am choosing the candidate of progress – Hillary Clinton.” – Lisa Hook, President and CEO of Neustar, Inc.

“The ACA has dramatically lowered our uninsured rate, but we still have a long road to improve healthcare access and lower medical expenses in the United States. Hillary Clinton’s commitment to the fight for affordable, quality health care has been a defining element of her public service.  She is the only candidate in this race who has a plan to deliver the innovation we need to offer affordable care to everyday working Americans.” – Noah Lang, CEO of Stride Health

“In the next eight years, American leadership will either set the world on the path to a clean energy future or condemn our children to a planet that’s beyond saving. Hillary Clinton is ready to do what’s necessary: implement ambitious climate standards, aggressively cut energy waste, and accelerate our transition to a thriving clean energy economy. She’s the only candidate who can build on the progress we’ve already made, and I could not be prouder to offer my endorsement.” – Alex Laskey, President and Founder of Opower

“I have been an entrepreneur, business owner, and active New York citizen for over 30 years. I know firsthand how important a vibrant economic environment is to ensuring that businesses and cultural institutions – large and small – succeed and thrive. I had the privilege of watching Hillary Clinton up close when she was our remarkable and tireless US Senator for New York. I’m completely confident that she will make sure that entrepreneurs have a front-row seat at the table – and that she will activate an economy that works for everyone. She is the clear choice for president in this election.” – Danny Meyer, CEO of Union Square Hospitality Group

“The National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce has never endorsed a candidate in its nearly fifteen year history, but the stakes have never been so high for the future of the LGBT business community. Hillary Clinton is the progressive champion our businesses and our families need to thrive. The LGBT community has come too far to lose its seat at the table, and we are certain that Secretary Clinton will be the President fighting for the collective economic and social longevity of America’s 1.4 million LGBT business owners.” – Chance Mitchell, Co-Founder and CEO of NGLCC

“Hillary Clinton understands that innovation is the surest path to a better future. She is the only candidate who has concrete plans to strengthen the American economy by investing in basic science research, increasing access to science and engineering education, and paving the way for high-tech startups and entrepreneurs to create next-generation technologies and high-quality jobs. As a scientist, inventor and technology entrepreneur, I have seen firsthand how invention, and the scientific research that drives it, are powerful engines for sustained economic growth. As President, Hillary Clinton will put her commitment to science and her belief in American ingenuity to work to create better opportunities for all Americans.” – Nathan Myhrvold, PhD, Founder and CEO of Intellectual Ventures

“In this election there is absolutely no question which candidate is prepared to be Commander in Chief for all Americans. That candidate and our choice for President of the United States is Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton.” – Javier Palomarez, President and CEO of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

“I am an international entrepreneur having founded more than 40 companies in the consumer, hospitality and real estate sectors. I have lived my entire professional life overseas. From the perspective of an American abroad, I know firsthand how important American leadership and strength is to ensure success. And our strength flows not just from our military but from our economic vitality and from our values. When we as a nation are seen as strong and respected, it has been good for us and good for the world. This is why I’m such a strong supporter of Secretary Clinton for President. When she served as Secretary of State, she tirelessly worked to defend and protect American interests across Asia and push for American exports that promote good jobs here at home. She has earned respect and demonstrated good judgment the hard way, by listening, leading and engaging relentlessly. She will bring these same qualities and more to the highest office in the land.” –Robert W. Roche, Founder of Roche Enterprises, Ltd.

“Building an inclusive, innovative America is tantamount to building a prosperous one. Donald Trump is more focused on tearing down groups of Americans than he is on building us all up. He has failed to offer serious economic policies, and instead cites business credentials that have allowed him to get rich off the backs of others. Hillary Clinton will put workers’ and businesses’ interests first, and promote policies that will grow the economy for all Americans.” – Clara Shih, CEO and Founder of Hearsay Social

“We must extend, not undermine, the hard-won progress of the last eight years. Hillary Clinton has the policies, the persistence, and the proven experience to lead that charge.” – Srinija Srinivasan, Co-Founder of Loove

“Given Hillary’s track record with respect to local, state, and national issues, she will obviously be a President that represents our nation in a most exemplary fashion.” – Sherman Tate, President and CEO of Tate and Associates

“In an age of economic interconnectedness, Hillary Clinton understands the importance of secure borders as well as open doors. She believes America can continue to be both welcoming and secure, advancing our nation’s interests while extending hospitality to millions of allies and friends.” – Jonathan Tisch, Co-Chairman of the Board of Loews Corporation and Chairman of Loews Hotels

“As President, Hillary Clinton would fight to be sure all Americans share in a growing economy. She has concrete plans to increase access to higher education and build a skilled workforce. As a business leader, I understand the value investing in people has not only for the success of a company, but the success of our country.” – Padmasree Warrior, CEO of NextEV USA and former CTSO of Cisco

“Hillary Clinton’s economic and environmental policies offer strategic, forward-thinking leadership that our country needs at this pivotal moment in history. Her clean energy infrastructure plan contains specific, actionable ideas to create jobs, drive innovation and discovery, and most importantly, preserve our planet for future generations.” – Daniel Weiss, Managing Partner of Angeleno Group

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Statement on Every Voice Endorsement


Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of Every Voice. In a release, the group’s CEO David Donnelly said, “In the presidential race this year, Americans face a clear choice. One candidate wants the voices of all people to be heard in our democracy. Another has decided his road to the White House depends on demonization and demagoguery, preying on our worst fears as a nation.” Clinton released the following statement in response to receiving the group’s endorsement.

“I am honored to earn the first-ever presidential endorsement of Every Voice.

To strengthen our democracy, we need to get secret, unaccountable money out of our politics and get the voices of Americans back in. Every Voice is leading that fight. They uncover how special interests interfere with our democracy and block progress on critical issues like addressing climate change, preventing gun violence, and raising the minimum wage. And they have smart, concrete ideas on how to change our broken campaign finance system.

I’ve made campaign finance reform a cornerstone of my campaign from the beginning. If elected, this will be a top priority for my presidency. And I will be a strong partner to everyone working toward that goal.

In my first 30 days in office, I will propose a constitutional amendment to overturn the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision. I’ll appoint Supreme Court justices who understand how deeply that decision damaged our democracy. We’ll work to amplify the voices of Americans and make it easier for citizens to run for office by supporting small-donor matching. And we’ll fight for more robust disclosure requirements.

The United States is the world’s oldest democracy and the greatest country in the world.  I believe deeply that our democracy should work for everyone, not just the wealthy and well-connected. We’ve got to do better. Organizations like Every Voice are working to do that every day.  As President, I will be their partner.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Every Voice