HFA Statement On Trump’s Comments About Possible Violence Against Hillary Clinton


On Friday, Donald Trump, again, suggested violence against Hillary Clinton. Hillary for America Campaign Manager Robby Mook released the following statement in response.

“Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for President, has a pattern of inciting people to violence. Whether this is done to provoke protesters at a rally or casually or even as a joke, it is an unacceptable quality in anyone seeking the job of Commander in Chief. This kind of talk should be out of bounds for a presidential candidate, just like it should be out of bounds for a presidential candidate to peddle a conspiracy theory about the President of the United States for five years. But we’ve seen again and again that no amount of failed resets can change who Donald Trump is.  He is unfit to be President and it is time Republican leaders stand up to denounce this disturbing behavior in their nominee.”

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News Source: CBS News