Ninety-Five Retired Generals and Admirals Endorse Hillary Clinton


Update (9/9/2016): Make that 110 generals. Following the Commander-in-Chief Forum, fifteen retired generals and admirals added their names to a growing list of military personnel supporting Clinton. The additional endorsement are from:

  1. Edwin Leland, Lieutenant General, USA (ret)
  2. Norman Seip, Lieutenant General, USAF (ret)
  3. Peter Cooke, Major General, USAR (ret)
  4. Randy Manner, Major General, USA (ret)
  5. John Phillips, Major General, USAF (ret)
  6. Christopher Cole, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  7. Joe Sestak, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  8. Roosevelt Barfield, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  9. LeAnne Burch, Brigadier General, USAR (ret)
  10. Tom King, Brigadier General, USA-NG (ret)
  11. Ronald Rokosz, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  12. John Schuster, Brigadier General, USAR (ret)
  13. Paul Gregory Smith, Brigadier General, USA-NG (ret)
  14. George Walls, Brigadier General, USMC (ret)
  15. Gretchen Herbert, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)

In addition, two of the retired generals released the following statements:

Major General (ret.) Peter Cooke, USAF – “Anytime anyone states says that generals are rubbish or an individual is not a hero because he or she was captured I find it appalling. I am a citizen soldier with 39 years of military experience. Donald Trump has a lack of knowledge on everything from force structure to NATO to our alliances and partnerships. I’m proud to support Secretary Clinton.”

Major General (ret.) John Phillips, USAF – “Secretary Clinton has demonstrated the ability to conduct foreign affairs and achieve the objectives and goals of the United States. She has an incredible ability to engage with the international community and to build new partnerships and strengthen existing ones with our allies. I want a president with the ability to focus on the issues at hand that are the most important for the American people and that person is Hillary Clinton.”

On Monday, Hillary for America announced that Hillary Clinton has received the endorsement of 95 retired generals and admirals. HFA released the following:

Hillary for America announced that 95 retired Generals and Admirals, including a number of 4-Star Generals, have officially endorsed Hillary Clinton for president and Commander-in-Chief. Clinton is getting the backing of more senior military service members and former officials with command and management experience than any non-incumbent Democrat due to her proven record of diplomacy and steady leadership on the world stage. She will make her case tonight at the Commander-in-Chief Forum presented by NBC and the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, lacks the knowledge, stability and values to be Commander-in-Chief. According to yesterday’s media reports, Trump has received more than 400 fewer endorsements than Mitt Romney received – 88 to Romney’s 500.

Today, General Lloyd “Fig” Newton, a 4-Star General and America’s first African-American Thunderbird pilot, joined his fellow military service members and released a statement endorsing Hillary Clinton for President:

“I was privileged to serve my country for 34 plus years — my entire adult life — in the United States Air Force. Growing up in South Carolina, respect for individual liberties and the right for every person to vote was taught to me at an early age and it is of the utmost importance to me today. These fundamental rights are why I served and care so deeply about our great nation. Given the challenges we face around the world today, and the rhetoric we are hearing from some at home, I feel I have a moral imperative to come forth and endorse Secretary Hillary Clinton for President. This is not about Democrat or Republican, this is about who is best qualified to lead the country in this complex world we live in. Hillary Clinton is the only candidate that has the experience, temperament, critical thinking and level-headed leadership to keep America safe and our partnerships strong. She has my vote in November.”

Hillary for America released the following list of service members who have officially endorsed:

  1. John Nathman, Admiral, USN (ret)*
  2. John Allen, General, USMC (ret)
  3. Wesley Clark, General, USA (ret)
  4. David Maddox, General, USA (ret)
  5. Lloyd Newton, General, USAF (ret)*
  6. Robert Sennewald, General, USA (ret)
  7. Johnnie Wilson, General, USA (ret)
  8. Edward Baca, Lieutenant General, USA (ret)
  9. Joseph Ballard, Lieutenant General, USA (ret)
  10. Julius Becton, Lieutenant General, USA (ret)
  11. John Castellaw, Lieutenant General, USMC (ret)
  12. Dan Christman, Lieutenant General, USA (ret)
  13. Al Edmonds, Lieutenant General, USAF (ret)
  14. Robert Gard, Lieutenant General, USA (ret)
  15. Walter Gaskin, Lieutenant General, USMC (ret)
  16. Arlen Jameson, Lieutenant General, USAF (ret)
  17. Claudia Kennedy, Lieutenant General, USA (ret)
  18. Don Kerrick, Lieutenant General, USA (ret)
  19. John Morgan, Lieutenant General, USA (ret)
  20. David Proythress, Lieutenant General, USA-NG (ret)
  21. Dale Vesser, Lieutenant General, USA (ret)*
  22. Willie Williams, Lieutenant General, USMC (ret)
  23. Donald Arthur, Vice Admiral, USN (ret)
  24. Sally Brice-O’Hara, Vice Admiral, USCG (ret)
  25. Kevin Green, Vice Admiral, USN (ret)
  26. Bruce Grooms, Vice Admiral, USN (ret)
  27. Anthony Winns, Vice Admiral, USN (ret)
  28. Wallace Arnold, Major General, USA (ret)
  29. Juan Ayala, Major General, USMC (ret)
  30. Donna Barbisch, Major General, USA (ret)
  31. Roger Blunt, Major General, USA (ret)*
  32. Harry Brooks, Major General, USA (ret)
  33. George Buskirk, Major General, USA-NG (ret)
  34. Paul Eaton, Major General, USA (ret)
  35. Mari K. Eder, Major General, USA (ret)
  36. Irving Halter, Major General, USAF (ret)
  37. Marcelite Harris, Major General, USAF (ret)
  38. Jerry Harrison, Major General, USA (ret)
  39. James Klugh, Major General, USA (ret)
  40. Dennis Laich, Major General, USAR (ret)
  41. Fred Leigh, Major General, USA (ret)
  42. Don Loranger, Major General, USAF (ret)
  43. Paul Monroe, Major General, USA-NG (ret)
  44. Melvyn Montaño, Major General, USA-NG (ret)
  45. Robert Nabors, Major General, USA (ret)
  46. Eric Olson, Major General, USA (ret)
  47. Terese “Marne” Peterson, Major General, USAF (ret)*
  48. Dana Pittard. Major General, USA (ret)
  49. Gale Pollock, Major General, USA (ret)
  50. Arnold Punaro, Major General, USMC (ret)
  51. Antonio Taguba, Major General, USA (ret)
  52. Abe Turner, Major General, USA (ret)
  53. Charles Williams, Major General, USA (ret)
  54. Margaret Woodward, Major General, USAF (ret)
  55. Ralph Wooten, Major General, USA (ret)
  56. Stephen Glass, Rear Admiral, USNR (ret)
  57. Jan Hamby, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  58. John Hutson, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  59. Dave Oliver, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  60. Stuart Platt, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  61. Paul Rosser, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  62. Alan Steinman, Rear Admiral, USCG (ret)
  63. Dick Young, Rear Admiral, USNR (ret)*
  64. Clara Adams-Ender, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  65. Bruce Berwick, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  66. David Brahms, Brigadier General, USMC (ret)
  67. Stephen Cheney, Brigadier General, USMC (ret)
  68. Julia Cleckley, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  69. John Douglass, Brigadier General, USAF (ret)
  70. Michael Dunn, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  71. Evelyn Foote, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  72. Lawrence Gillespie, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  73. Judy Griego, Brigadier General, ANG (ret)
  74. David Irvine, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  75. John Johns, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  76. Keith Kerr, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  77. Phil Leventis, Brigadier General, ANG (ret)
  78. David McGinnis, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  79. Donald Scott, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  80. Earl Simms, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  81. James Smith, Brigadier General, USAF (ret)
  82. Steve Stephens, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  83. Loree Sutton, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  84. James Throwe, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  85. Robin Umberg, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  86. John Watkins, Brigadier General, USAF (ret)
  87. Marianne Watson, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  88. Daniel Woodward, Brigadier General, USAF (ret)
  89. Stephen Xenakis, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  90. Jamie Barnett, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  91. Jay DeLoach, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  92. Gene Kendall, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  93. Deborah Loewer, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  94. Glen Phillips, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  95. Michael Smith, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)

* Previously unannounced

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

HFA Response to Trump Saying Clinton Did Not Look Presidential


Following comments from Donald Trump suggesting that Hillary Clinton does not look presidential, Hillary for America Deputy Communications Director Christina Reynolds has released the following:

“This isn’t the first time Donald Trump has had a problem looking at someone different from himself and actually seeing them. He questioned whether a distinguished judge could do his job because of his Mexican heritage. He looked at a mourning Gold Star mother and he made assumptions about her silence in grief. He looked at an accomplished anchor and suggested she was a “bimbo.” And he looked at a sitting president and said he wasn’t American. So it’s not surprising that Donald Trump doesn’t think Hillary Clinton looks presidential. This cycle, voters know all too well what’s not presidential: Donald Trump and his narrow views and divisive rhetoric.”


Trump: “He’s A Mexican. We’re Building A Wall Between Here And Mexico… He Is Giving Us Very Unfair Rulings, Rulings That People Can’t Even Believe.” TRUMP: Do you know that these people went to every attorney general practically in the country that they could and did you know this case was turned down by almost every attorney general from Texas to Florida, to many other states?

TAPPER: Is it not — when Hillary Clinton says this is a racist attack, and you reject that — if you’re saying he can’t do his job because of his race, is that not the definition of racism?

TRUMP: No. I don’t think so at all.


TRUMP: No. He’s proud of his heritage. I respect him for that.

TAPPER: But you’re saying you can’t do his job because of that.

TRUMP: Look, he’s proud of his heritage, OK? I’m building a wall. Now, I think I’m going to do very well with Hispanics

TAPPER: He’s a legal citizen – TRUMP: Do you know why I’m going to do well with Hispanics? Because I’m going to bring back jobs and they are going to get jobs right now. They are going to get jobs. I think I’m going to do very well with Hispanics. But we are building a wall. He’s a Mexican. We’re building a wall between here and Mexico. The answer is, he is giving us very unfair rulings, rulings that people can’t even believe. This case should have ended years ago in summary judgment. The best lawyers I have spoken to so many lawyers, they said, this is not a case. This is a case that should have ended. [CNN, The Lead, 6/3/16]

A List of Each Time Trump Attacked Judge Curiel for His Mexican Heritage. Fusion outlined “every time that Trump said that Curiel could not be impartial in the case precisely because of his Mexican heritage.”


Trump Claimed The Mother Of A Fallen Muslim Soldier Did Not Speak At The Democratic Nation Convention Because “Maybe She Wasn’t Allowed To Have Anything To Say, You Tell Me.” “Donald J. Trump belittled the parents of a slain Muslim soldier who had strongly denounced Mr. Trump during the Democratic National Convention, saying that the soldier’s father had delivered the entire speech because his mother was not ‘allowed’ to speak…But, he added, ‘If you look at his wife, she was standing there, she had nothing to say, she probably — maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say, you tell me.’” [New York Times, 7/30/16; This Week, ABC, 7/31/16]


Donald Trump: “I Refuse To Call Megyn Kelly A ‘Bimbo,’ Because That Would Not Be Politically Correct. Instead I Will Only Call Her A Lightweight Reporter!” [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 1/27/16]

Donald Trump Retweeted Several People Calling Kelly a “Bimbo:”herehere and here.


2015: Trump Said He Didn’t Know Whether President Obama Was Actually Born In The US. “Donald Trump says he’s still not convinced President Obama was born in America, but that he’s not interested in rehashing the issue. ‘I don’t know. I really don’t know,’ the 2016 Republican presidential candidate told CNN when asked on Thursday. ‘I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.’” [The Hill, 7/9/15]

USA Today: Trump “Was Perhaps The Most Prominent Voice Of The ‘Birther’ Movement.” “Trump has been an outspoken critic of President Obama and was perhaps the most prominent voice of the ‘birther’ movement, which asserted, erroneously, that Obama was not a natural-born U.S. citizen. On Monday, he took a shot at the newest entrant to the 2016 Republican field, Jeb Bush, tweeting: ‘Do we really need another Bush in the White House — we have had enough of them.’ If there’s one thing Trump brings to the 2016 campaign, it’s confidence. ‘I’m the most successful person ever to run for the presidency, by far,’ he told The Des Moines Register in a recent interview.” [USA Today, 6/16/15]


In an ABC interview, Trump Said Clinton Didn’t Have a Presidential Look. “I just don’t think she has a presidential look. And you need a presidential look. You have to get the job done,” Trump said. [ABC, 9/5/16]

Donald Trump Reportedly Said “Does She [Clinton] Look Presidential, Fellas? Give Me A Break.” “CLEVELAND — TRUMP on Clinton: “Does she look presidential, fellas? Give me a break.”” [Kevin Cirilli, Twitter, 9/5/16]

Trump: “In Effect, She’s Pledging To Abolish The Law Making Powers Of Congress And Assume The Powers Of An Imperial Leader. She’s Not An Imperial Leader, Is She? I Don’t Think So. She Doesn’t Even Look Presidential To Me.” TRUMP: “Beyond that, she’s pledged to add another executive amnesty in violation of both congressional law and the United States constitution. These actions from Hillary Clinton will trigger a crises greater than almost anything we’ve seen. This will be a constitutional crisis like we haven’t seen in our country. In effect, she’s pledging to abolish the law making powers of congress and assume the powers of an imperial leader. She’s not an imperial leader, is she? I don’t think so. She doesn’t even look Presidential to me. She certainly doesn’t.” [Roast N’ Ride, Des Moines IA, 8/27/16]

Trump: “You See Her Walk Onto The State, She Looks Presidential.’ I Don’t Think So. I Think I Look Presidential To Be Honest With You. Honestly, Who Do You Think China Would Be More Concerned In A Negotiation With? Trump Or Hillary?” TRUMP: “These [people] are not like, ‘Oh gee, I think Hillary is so great. She looks so presidential. You see her walk onto the state, she looks presidential.’ I don’t think so. I think I look presidential to be honest with you. Honestly, who do you think China would be more concerned in a negotiation with? Trump or Hillary?” [Trump Campaign Rally, Fort Lauderdale FL, 8/10/16]

Trump Said Hillary Clinton Did Not Look Presidential, But He Did.TRUMP: “Now you tell me she looks presidential, folks. I look presidential. You tell me, you tell me she looks Presidential. They are just watching and they’re looking and boy they’re salivating, they’re salivating, they’re saying that’s what we want, oh, that’s what we want. You know what she did and the lies that she told, over and over again, and her single greatest achievement, because everything she’s touched has turned bad.” [Trump Campaign Rally, Windham NH, 8/6/16]

Trump: “Bad Performance By Crooked Hillary Clinton! Reading Poorly From The Telepromter! She Doesn’t Even Look Presidential!” [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 6/2/16]

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

HFA Releases Series of New Videos


Hillary for America released a new series of videos going after Donald Trump’s record. The first, titled “Sacrifice,” spotlights Trump’s disrespect for the country’s veterans and military families. The second video talks about the concerns of Trump’s comments on national security. The third highlights Clinton’s focus on bringing people together to solve the nation’s problems and not scapegoating segments of the population. Next, the campaign released a video of featuring Windsor Heights, Iowa native Janelle Turner discussing her battle with breast cancer. Then, a new campaign ad featuring Republicans who have spoken out against Trump. The final set of videos are Spanish language ads criticizing Trump’s comments about immigrants and highlighting Hillary Clinton’s record working for families and children. The videos are embedded below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Clinton Endorsed by The Dallas Morning News


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of The Dallas Morning News. While Clinton has been endorsed by a number of newspapers across the county, the endorsement of the Dallas newspaper is important because Clinton is the first Democrat endorsed by the paper in 76 years. The last Democratic presidential candidate to be endorsed by the paper was President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The editorial board said Clinton is the clear choice for president over Republican Donald Trump because of her resume, her judgement, and her history of bipartisan partnerships. “In Clinton’s eight years in the U.S. Senate, she displayed reach and influence in foreign affairs. Though conservatives like to paint her as nakedly partisan, on Capitol Hill she gained respect from Republicans for working across the aisle: Two-thirds of her bills had GOP co-sponsors and included common ground with some of Congress’ most conservative lawmakers,” the board said. Read their full editorial HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Dallas Morning News, The Washington Post

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Tampa


On Monday, Hillary Clinton spoke at a rally in Tampa, Florida. Speaking at the University of South Florida, Clinton focused on her policy proposals focusing on the sharp contrast between her plans and those proposed by Republican Donald Trump. She spoke about her plans to create jobs and grow the economy, raise the minimum wage, combat Zika virus, make higher education more affordable, and reduce student loan debt interest rates. We’re going to make this economy grow, but we’re also going to make it fair,” she said about her plan to ensure incomes rise for all Americans and not just those in the highest income brackets. Clinton also criticized Trump for comments he made about solving the country’s problems alone. She said that working to improve the country “cannot be done by any one person. It must be done by all of us. That is something that Donald Trump does not understand.” A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Miami Herald, News 6

Tim Kaine Delivers National Security Speech in North Carolina


Tim Kaine delivered a speech on national security and foreign policy in Wilmington, North Carolina on Monday. During his speech, Kaine spoke about the experience of Hillary Clinton and contrasted her experience with the comments and actions of Republican Donald Trump. Kaine painted Trump as someone who cannot be trusted when it comes to foreign policy because he is “emotionally volatile, fact-challenged, self-obsessed and inexperienced.” Kaine spoke about the importance of the United States’ relationship with its allies and questioned whether Trump would be able to maintain the United States’ status as a leader in the world. “He has a bizarre fascination with strongmen and authoritarian leaders in countries that are no allies of the United States, and with respect to our allies, he would toss alliances aside, and says he wants to ‘take everything back from the world that we’ve given to them. Trump has offered empty promises and divisive rhetoric. Under his leadership, we would be unrecognizable to the rest of the world. And we would be far less safe,” he said. A video of Kaine’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: US News & World Report, NBC News

Bill Clinton Campaigns in Durham, NC


On Monday, Bill Clinton campaigned for Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine at an event in Durham, North Carolina. Bill addressed a crowd of supporters at the Community Family Life and Recreation Center at Lyon Park where he spoke about Hillary’s plans to introduce comprehensive immigration reform and work to make higher education more affordable. “If you go to a public college, a historically black college and university, or any other private college that has a preponderance of middle- and lower-income students … if your (family’s) income is $125,000 a year or less, you get free tuition,” he said. On immigration, Bill spoke about the contribution to the economy made by immigrants and how offering a path to citizenship will benefit to the United States. A video of his speech is below.

Meanwhile, in New York City, Chelsea Clinton attended a fashion show and rooftop party fundraising event at Spring Studios. The event was hosted by Anna Wintour and Huma Abedin and featured a performance by Demi Lovato. In Amsterdam, Holland, a fundraiser was held for American citizens and featured a conversation with Timothy Broas, Former United States Ambassador to the Netherlands.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Chronicle, The News & Observer