Vice President Biden Campaigns for Clinton/Kaine in Ohio

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On Thursday, Vice President spoke at two campaign events in Ohio in support of Hillary Clinton. At the first event in Warren, Biden spoke to a crowd of supporters at the United Auto Workers Local 1714 hall. Biden, like Clinton, included local references in his speech. He spoke about the importance of the automakers in Ohio and their successful turnaround following the recession in 2008 and 2009. He then spoke about a number of topics including Clinton’s record as a public servant and her dedication to the country, her plans for the economy and building jobs, and his ties to Ohio. Biden then went after Donald Trump for being ignorant of foreign affairs saying, “He is totally, thoroughly, completely uninformed.” A video from the event is below.

Biden then spoke at a rally outside of Cleveland in Parma. During his speech, the Vice President continued to go after Trump, but he focused more of his time on Clinton’s experience and his middle class roots. He told stories about his father’s job and his family’s money problems saying that his father couldn’t qualify for a loan to help him pay for college. When it comes to the struggles of the middle class, Biden said, “Hillary gets it, man. Trump has no idea. He has no idea.” A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source:, The Columbus Dispatch

Kaine and Holton Visit with Supporters in New Hampshire


Tim Kaine and Anne Holton campaigned in four New Hampshire cities today. Kaine and his wife stopped at two Hillary for America offices and a local Democratic party office today where they spoke with volunteers and Holton helped out with a phone bank. Kaine and Holton visited offices in Dover, Laconia, Manchester, and Nashua. At three of the four events, Kaine and Holton spoke with Hillary Clinton supporters as well as campaign volunteers. Kaine thanked the volunteers and urged them to keep fighting. He also spoke with voters urging them to come out and support himself and Clinton in November.

At the event in Manchester, Kaine and Holton took part in a roundtable discussion at Manchester Community College. The discussion focused on education and featured a professor from the college and former Governor John Lynch. Holton is the former Secretary of Education for the state of Virginia, and she and Kaine spoke about the importance of higher education and ensuring that students are not burdened by loan debt after college. He said, “We ought to be able to do college debt-free. Other nations do that.” Videos from the events in Laconia and Nashua are below and other videos from the day will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: WMUR, WGME

Two Four-Star Generals Back Clinton


On Thursday, General Bob Sennewald, former Commanding General of US Army Forces Command, and General David Maddox, former Commander in Chief of the US Army – Europe, released a joint statement of support for Hillary Clinton. A copy of their endorsement is below.

“Having each served over 34 years and retired as an Army 4-star general, we each have worked closely with America’s strongest allies, both in NATO and throughout Asia.  Our votes have always been private, and neither of us has ever previously lent his name or voice to a presidential candidate.  Having studied what is at stake for this country and the alternatives we have now, we see only one viable leader, and will be voting this November for Secretary Hillary Clinton.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

HFA Statement on Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Speech


Following Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant speech in Arizona on Wednesday, Hillary for America National Latino Vote Director Lorella Praeli released the following statement:

“In his darkest speech yet, Donald Trump doubled down on his anti-immigrant rhetoric and attempted to divide communities by pitting people against each other and demonizing immigrants. Trump committed to sending a new “Deportation Task Force” into American communities, rescinding the President’s executive actions to protect DREAMers and their families, building a wall that he continues to claim will be paid for by Mexico, and made clear that “Operation Wetback” was not severe enough. The only immigrants allowed in the future are those that pass Donald Trump’s own test of ‘desirability.’

Donald Trump once again showed us that he will continue his decades-long record of divisiveness and campaign of hate by pledging to forcibly remove every single undocumented immigrant from our country. He showed us, very clearly, what’s at stake in this election by painting a picture of his idea of America: one in which immigrants are not welcomed and one in which innocent families are torn apart.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The New York Times

Hillary for America Releases New Videos


Hillary for America has released a series of new campaign videos. The first features Iowa resident Ruline Steininger. She is 103 years old and was born before women had the right to vote. Steininger vowed to vote for Hillary Clinton saying, “I’ve come to the decision I must live to do my part in November 2016. I can die later.” Check out Steininger’s video below. The second video released by HFA, titled “Ink Blots,” focuses on Donald Trump’s divisive words about immigrants. The video is presented below in both English and Spanish.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.