HFA Statement on Donald Trump’s Clinton Foundation Attacks


Hillary for America responded to comments made about the Clinton Foundation. The group announced that if Hillary Clinton is elected president, it would stop accepting foreign donations. Trump called for the foundation to be shut down and the money returned to donors. The response from HFA is below.

“The Foundation has already laid out the unprecedented steps the charity will take if Hillary Clinton becomes president. Donald Trump needs to come clean with voters about his complex network of for-profit businesses that are hundreds of millions of dollars in debt to big banks, including the state-owned Bank of China, and other business groups with ties to the Kremlin. Donald Trump should stop hiding behind fake excuses and release his tax returns and immediately disclose the full extent of his business interests. He must commit to fully divesting himself from all of his business conflicts to ensure that he is not letting his own financial interests affect decisions made by his potential administration.”

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News Source: CNN, The Los Angeles Times