Hillary for America Releases Ad Lifting Working Families Up

Today, Hillary for America launched a new television ad entitled “For Those Who Depend on Us,” highlighting Clinton’s plan to lift Latino working families up and ensure they get ahead and stay ahead. While Donald Trump is painting Latinos as “criminals,” demeaning immigrants and doubling down on his dangerous deportation policies, Clinton is putting forward an agenda that will help Latino families build a better future.

Continuing her lifelong record of standing up for families and children, the ad provides a snapshot of Clinton’s agenda for a new economic future for the Latino community. From building an economy that works for everyone– not just those at the top–to providing relief for child care costs or fighting for equal pay for Latinas, the ad underscores how Clinton’s plan will benefit Latino families. Clinton’s vision for our country–one in which we are stronger together– stands in stark contrast with Trump’s divisive and reckless agenda for our country.  The ad is airing in Florida, Iowa, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

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