Clinton Campaign Releases Spanish Twitter Account, Website

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Hillary Clinton’s campaign announced the launch of a new campaign Twitter account in Spanish. The campaign had published Spanish tweets under the standard account, but the campaign explained in a statement that having a dedicated account and website in Spanish will help reach those for whom English is their second language. A copy of the statement from the campaign is below.

“Here’s a fact: Over 40 million people speak Spanish in the United States. Hillary Clinton understands that our country’s diversity and multiculturalism is one of America’s greatest strength. That’s why today Hillary for America launched a Spanish-language Twitter account, @Hillary_esp, to ensure that Clinton’s message is more easily accessible to more communities across America. Earlier this week, the campaign also launched a revamped website in Spanish, as well as a bilingual voter registration tool.

Some may try to silence the Latino community or try to divide our nation with hateful rhetoric– but here at Hillary for America we value tolerance, inclusivity and diversity. And that’s the spirit behind @Hillary_esp.”

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