Clinton Camp Responds to Trump’s Selection of Pence as Running Mate


On Saturday, Republican Donald Trump formally announced his running mate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence. Hillary for America unveiled a fact sheet about Pence yesterday, and today, Deputy Communications Director Christina Reynolds released a statement about his choice and comments he made about Hillary Clinton during his speech. Read the statement below.

“We were prepared to respond with the many ways in which Mike Pence is the most extreme pick in a generation—a doubling down of Trump’s divisive rhetoric and policies. But after publicly waffling over his own choice, Trump spent more time today making false attacks on Hillary Clinton—several of which could also be leveled against Pence—and talking about his own businesses than his own running mate. It turns out, you can force Trump to make a choice and give him a speech, he’s always going to be Trump.”

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News Source: The New York Times, The Briefing