Clinton Camp Responds to Trump’s Selection of Pence as Running Mate


On Saturday, Republican Donald Trump formally announced his running mate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence. Hillary for America unveiled a fact sheet about Pence yesterday, and today, Deputy Communications Director Christina Reynolds released a statement about his choice and comments he made about Hillary Clinton during his speech. Read the statement below.

“We were prepared to respond with the many ways in which Mike Pence is the most extreme pick in a generation—a doubling down of Trump’s divisive rhetoric and policies. But after publicly waffling over his own choice, Trump spent more time today making false attacks on Hillary Clinton—several of which could also be leveled against Pence—and talking about his own businesses than his own running mate. It turns out, you can force Trump to make a choice and give him a speech, he’s always going to be Trump.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, The Briefing

Democratic National Convention Lineup Announced


We are a little over a week away from the 2016 Democratic National Convention. The convention will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the Wells Fargo Center. The event will be held July 25 – 28 and will include delegates from all 50 states, Washington, DC, and U.S. territories. The main purpose of the convention is the formal nomination of the Democratic Party’s presidential and vice-presidential candidates. The Democratic Party has announced the lineup for each day of the convention and the details are below:

Monday (7/25): United Together

Featuring First Lady Michelle Obama, Senator Bernie Sanders and DREAMer Astrid Silva

Gavel time expected at 3:00pm

Monday will focus on putting the future of American families front and center and how we’re stronger together when we build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top and when everyone has a chance to live up to their God-given potential. DREAMer Astrid Silva will share her story and her fight to keep families together.

Tuesday (7/26): A Lifetime of Fighting for Children and Families

President Bill Clinton and Mothers of the Movement

Gavel time expected at 4:00pm

Tuesday will feature the roll call vote and how Hillary has spent her entire career working to make a difference for children, families, and our country. The Mothers of the Movement participating include Gwen Carr, Mother of Eric Garner; Sybrina Fulton, Mother of Trayvon Martin; Maria Hamilton, Mother of Dontré Hamilton; Lucia McBath, Mother of Jordan Davis; Lezley McSpadden, Mother of Michael Brown; Cleopatra Pendleton-Cowley, Mother of Hadiya Pendleton; Geneva Reed-Veal, Mother of Sandra Bland.

Wednesday (7/27): Working Together

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden

Gavel time expected at 4:30pm

On Wednesday speakers will take an in-depth look at just how high the stakes are in this election and how Hillary has the experience and steadiness to bring people together to tackle the big challenges and get real results.

Thursday (7/28): Stronger Together

Hillary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton

Gavel time expected at 4:30pm
On the final day of the convention, Hillary will speak about her vision for our country – her belief that we are stronger together and that America is at its best when we work together to solve our problems.

The convention will have a large online presence and you can follow along on their website (, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can sign up to volunteer at the convention by visiting the Volunteer Opportunities page.

More details will be released as the convention nears; however, mark your calendars now as this year’s convention looks like it is going to make history!

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC News