Clinton Addresses National Education Association’s Representative Assembly


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton addressed the National Education Association’s Representative Assembly in Washington, DC. Clinton was officially endorsed by the group in October, and she assured its members that she will support strengthening education as president. Clinton said that a number of her plans in her agenda would greatly benefits schools, especially improved infrastructure and increased access to broadband internet. She vowed to always include K-12 educators in the policy-making process saying, “If I am fortunate enough to be elected president, educators will have a partner in the White House, and you’ll always have a seat at the table. I have this old-fashioned idea that when we are making decisions about education, we actually should listen to our educators.” A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico, Education Week

Hillary Clinton Campaigns with President Obama in Charlotte


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton was joined on the campaign trail by President Barack Obama. The two arrived aboard Air Force One (the campaign did pay for their ride) for the Charlotte, North Carolina event. Clinton spoke first and criticized Republican Donald Trump for his divisive rhetoric, spoke about a number of her platform points, and emphasized the importance of continuing the progress made during the administration of President Obama. During Obama’s speech, he spoke about her experience and qualifications saying that she “has been tested” but has not wavered from her promise to work for the American people. A video from the event is below.

Late this week, Clinton will campaign with Vice President Joe Biden in Pennsylvania. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Charlotte Observer, The New York Times

Hillary Clinton Statement on Alliance for Retired Americans Endorsement


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of the Alliance for Retired Americans. In a statement, Alliance President Robert Roach, Jr. said, “Hillary Clinton has been a champion for retirees throughout her distinguished career. Her life’s work exemplifies the Alliance’s mission to enhance the quality of life for all Americans.” Clinton released a statement saying that she is honored to receive the group’s official support and vowed to fight to preserve and strengthen Medicare and Social Security as president. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below.

“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the Alliance for Retired Americans.

I have fought for my entire career to protect Americans’ right to retire with dignity and security after years of hard work, and to secure universal health care. As President, I will stand up to any and all Republican efforts to weaken, undermine, or privatize Social Security and Medicare, which form the bedrock of our nation’s commitment to the well-being of older Americans.

We shouldn’t be cutting Social Security, we should be expanding it–and that is what I will fight to do, starting by strengthening benefits for those who are treated unfairly by the current system, including women who are widows and caregivers who took time out of the paid workforce to look after children, aging parents, or ailing family members. And I will take on prescription drug companies for their price gouging and fight to make health care more affordable, including by capping monthly out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs and allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices.

Keeping Social Security and Medicare strong will keep our families strong–and when our families are strong, America is strong.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Alliance for Retired Americans

FBI Recommends No Charges following Clinton Email Investigation


On Tuesday, FBI Director James Comey spoke about his department’s investigation into the handling of classified material by Hillary Clinton and her staff during her tenure as Secretary of State. The bureau ultimately decided not to bring any criminal charges against Clinton or any of her staff members, but Director Comey did have some harsh words. He said that both Clinton and her staff were “extremely careless” in handling sensitive material. He went on to say that security in the State Department in general is “lacking.” A video from Director Comey’s press conference is below:

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, CNN, The Washington Post