Clinton, Kaine Wrap Up Bus Tour in Ohio

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On Sunday, Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine wrapped up their jobs focused bus tour in Ohio. Although it was initially reported that Clinton would not appear in Cleveland, Clinton did make a stop in the city and spoke during Sunday services at Imani Temple Ministry. During her brief remarks, Clinton spoke about the promise of America and her plans to defend the American dream. A video of her address is below (I apologize for the poor audio).

Clinton and Kaine’s final event of the bus tour was a rally in Columbus. Kaine and Clinton both continued to focus their remarks on her jobs plan and improvements to the infrastructure; however, Clinton did address comments made by Donald Trump about retired General John Allen and Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a Muslim American solder killed in 2004. Clinton said that she was disgusted by Trump’s divisive language saying, “It’s going to be up to all of us to repudiate the hatefulness, attacks on distinguished military leaders … or insulting the family of a fallen soldier, Captain Khan, an American Muslim who sacrificed his life to protect his unit and other soldiers.” A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Fox 8, The Columbus Dispatch

Hillary Clinton Interviewed on Fox News Sunday

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Hillary Clinton sat down for an interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace on this morning’s episode of Fox News Sunday. Wallace pressed Clinton a number of issues including the FBI investigation into her handling of classified emails, the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, and the general election against Republican Donald Trump. Clinton was asked about her popularity and beginning of the general election cycle. Clinton acknowledged she had a lot of work to do, but she spoke about how her popularity numbers are up when she is doing a job, but they seem to drop when she is seeking office. She said, “Every time I run for an office, though, oh my goodness, all of these caricatures come out of nowhere. And people begin to undermine me because when I left office as secretary of state, 66 percent of Americans approved of what I do.” Videos from the interview are below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Business Insider, Fox News

Statement from HFA on Trump’s Ukraine Comments


On Sunday morning, Republican Donald Trump defended Russian president Vladimir Putin saying that he would “go into Ukraine” despite the fact Russia already occupies Crimea, once part of the Ukraine. Hillary for America was quick to pounce on Trump’s misunderstanding of international politics with a statement from Senior Policy Advisor Jake Sullivan. He calls out Trump’s support of Russia and lack of foreign affairs knowledge. A copy of HFA’s statement is below.

“Today, Donald Trump was asked about Vladimir Putin and Ukraine.  Here is what he said:

‘He’s not going into Ukraine, OK, just so you understand. He’s not going to go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. You can put it down. You can take it anywhere you want.’

What is he talking about?  Russia is already in Ukraine.  Does he not know that?  What else doesn’t he know?

While Trump hasn’t mastered basic facts about the world, he has mastered Putin’s talking points on Crimea (which, of course, the United States and most of the world still recognizes as part of Ukraine).  Today, he gamely repeated Putin’s argument that Russia was justified in seizing the sovereign territory of another country by force.

This is scary stuff.  But it shouldn’t surprise us.  This comes on the heels of his tacit invitation to the Russians to invade our NATO allies in Eastern Europe.

And it’s yet more proof why Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit and totally unqualified to be Commander in Chief.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times

Clinton, Kaine Continue Bus Tour with Pennsylvania and Ohio Stops


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine, along with their spouses, began the day in Johnstown where they continued to talk about plans to create jobs, focus on manufacturing, and build up the middle class. After touring Johnstown Wire Technologies, Clinton and Kaine spoke about the American spirit and work ethic and how a president needs to tap into that. Clinton said, “We are visiting places that prove what Americans can do. We are the most productive, competitive workers in the world. We just need to give our people the chance to succeed.” A video of Kaine and Clinton’s speeches are below.

The group then traveled to Pittsburgh where Kaine and Clinton spoke to a large crowd of supporters at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center. Clinton and Kaine were introduced and endorsed by investor Mark Cuban. When Kaine took the stage, he spoke about his mid-western roots and the importance of manufacturing in many cities across the country. He then introduced Clinton, and she focused her remarks on her plans to create jobs and rebuild the nation’s infrastructure. She attacked Donald Trump’s bleak and divisive view of America saying proudly that “the American Dream is not limited.” A video from the Pittsburgh event is below.

The final event of the night was a rally in Youngstown, Ohio. Kaine and Clinton continued with the theme of job creation and a focus on American manufacturing and infrastructure improvements. Speaking in the hard hit rust belt, Clinton pledged to put American manufacturing first and incentivize companies to make their products in America. She said, “We’re not going to let China dump cheap steel into the America economy.” A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source:, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Fortune,

Clinton, Kaine Kick off Bus Tour in Pennsylvania and Ohio


Following the Democratic National Convention, Hillary Clinton and running mate Tim Kaine hit the road for a bus tour through Pennsylvania and Ohio. They kicked off the tour down the street from the Convention hall at Temple University. During her speech, Clinton argued that while her nomination is historic, it demonstrates the potential of America. She said that while no one in the time of the founding of the country would have imagined a woman presidential nominee, she believes that what makes America great is that significant events lead to new opportunities for everyone. Clinton said, “But contrary to Donald Trump, I believe every time we knock down a barrier in America, it liberates everyone in America.” A video of her speech is below.

The bus tour continued with a stop in Montgomery County and a tour of a K’nex factory, and she briefly spoke to the employees about her plan to boost manufacturing. Clinton and Kaine then traveled to Harrisburg where they continued to speak about Clinton’s plan to improve the nation’s infrastructure and create millions of jobs in the process. She said that the plan would be the largest jobs plan since World War II, and she pledged to introduce the plan to Congress during her first 100 days in office. Videos from the events in the Harrisburg area are below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source:,

Hillary for America Statement on Recent Reports of Cyber Hacks


On Friday, reports began coming out that a program used by the campaign of Hillary Clinton was compromised. Hillary for America quickly responded with a statement assuring supporters and donors, that while it appears that certain programs we hacked, none of the internal systems used by the campaign have been compromised. A copy of HFA’s statement is below.

“An analytics data program maintained by the DNC, and used by our campaign and a number of other entities, was accessed as part of the DNC hack. Our campaign computer system has been under review by outside cyber security experts.  To date, they have found no evidence that our internal systems have been compromised.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC News

DNC Wrap-Up: Day 4


On the final night of the Democratic National Convention, everyone awaited the acceptance speech of Hillary Clinton. Clinton was introduced by Chelsea Clinton, then a short biographical video was shown. She then took the stage and spoke about her vision for the future. Her vision is one of growth and prosperity for the nation and all Americans. She offered a plan that is in stark contrast from the vision presented last week during the Republican National Convention. Clinton criticized Donald Trump’s characterization that he alone has all the answers and can solve all of America’s problems. She said, “Americans don’t say ‘I alone can fix it.’ We say, ‘we’ll fix it together.'”

Clinton’s speech was more personal in nature as she reintroduces herself to the American people. She spoke about her mother, daughter, and grandchildren and what has driven her throughout her career. The reason for her dedication is quite simple: public service. The DNC’s biography video and Clinton’s speech focused on her public service experience including many things that she has done without fanfare. Overall the speech was a more personal message than we typically hear from Clinton. She was filled with gratitude for her supporters, emotion, and energy for the long campaign ahead. Watch the DNC’s biography video and Clinton’s acceptance speech below.

The final night included a number of other key speeches including addresses from Representative Nancy Pelosi, the Women of the Senate, Representative Joaquin Castro, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, Khizr Khan, General John Allen, Senator Sherrod Brown, and a musical performance by Katy Perry. Chelsea Clinton introduced Hillary with a personal speech full of stories form her childhood and how her mother has been there for her, and how she is always available for her grandchildren. A selection of videos from the night are below and a full collection of videos from the convention can be found on YouTube.

Now that the convention is over and Clinton is officially the nominee for the Democratic Party, the work is just beginning. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, NBC News

Watch Live: Final Night of DNC

Tonight is the final night of the Democratic National Convention. Chelsea Clinton and Hillary Clinton are the featured speakers this evening. Hillary will accept the party’s nomination in a speech in which she is expected to outline her her vision for America. Watch live above.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

DNC Wrap-Up: Day 3


Wednesday night’s events at the Democratic National Convention included the acceptance speech of Senator Tim Kaine as the party’s vice presidential candidate. In his speech, Kaine thanked his family before “humbly” accepting the nomination. He spoke about Hillary Clinton’s experience and why the 2016 election is vital for the country. A video biography of Kaine and a video of his speech are below.

Speakers from the evening included New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, Reverend Jesse Jackson, former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, California Governor Jerry Brown, Senator Chris Murphy, Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly, Former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, and Michael Bloomberg. The headline speeches from the event were from Vice President Joe Biden and President Barack Obama. Biden gave an energetic speech supporting Clinton while President Obama gave a stirring speech in which the overall message was America is better than Donald Trump. At the end of the speech, he was joined on stage by Clinton. A selection of the speeches are below and more videos from the Convention are available on YouTube.

The DNC released another set of videos highlighting Clinton’s long career, attacking Trump, and presenting an alternative to the Republican vision of America’s future.

You can follow the convention live on most television news stations or watch it live online. Be sure to follow along on Facebook, Twitter (follow #DemsInPhilly), Instagram, and check out the full schedule of events on the Convention’s website. Each day, we will post a schedule of the day and the speakers scheduled for that night.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Quartz, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, NBC News, Slate Magazine

Democratic National Convention Schedule: Day 4


Today is the final day of the Democratic National Convention from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and tonight, Hillary Clinton will officially accept the party’s nomination. Throughout the day today, a number of caucuses and councils will meet at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. Then tonight, the events move to the Wells Fargo Center where a number of speakers are scheduled before Chelsea Clinton introduces her mother for the keynote address of the convention. See the full details of day’s events below:





July 28, 2016 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET Women’s Caucus Pennsylvania Convention Center
July 28, 2016 12:00 PM – 2:00PM ET LGBT Caucus Pennsylvania Convention Center
July 28, 2016 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET Jewish Roundtable Pennsylvania Convention Center
July 28, 2016 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET Rural Council Pennsylvania Convention Center
July 28, 2016 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET Senior Council Pennsylvania Convention Center
July 28, 2016 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET Youth Council Pennsylvania Convention Center




July 28, 2016 Gavel In (4:00 PM ET) Wells Fargo Center
July 28, 2016 Henrietta Ivey Wells Fargo Center
July 28, 2016 Beth Mathias Wells Fargo Center
July 28, 2016 Jensen Walcott & Jake Reed Wells Fargo Center
July 28, 2016 Khizr Khan Wells Fargo Center
July 28, 2016 Chelsea Clinton Wells Fargo Center
July 28, 2016 Hillary Clinton Wells Fargo Center

You can follow the convention live on most television news stations or watch it live online. Be sure to follow along on Facebook, Twitter (follow #DemsInPhilly), Instagram, and check out the full schedule of events on the Convention’s website. Each day, we will post a schedule of the day and the speakers scheduled for that night.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Democratic National Convention