Hillary Clinton Releases Statement of Support for “We the People”

RENO, NV - FEBRUARY 15: Democratic Presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks at a campaign rally at Truckee Meadows Community College on February 15, 2016 in Reno, Nevada. Clinton is campaigning in Nevada ahead of the February 20 democratic caucus. (Photo by David Calvert/Getty Images)
RENO, NV – FEBRUARY 15: Democratic Presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks at a campaign rally at Truckee Meadows Community College on February 15, 2016 in Reno, Nevada. (Photo by David Calvert/Getty Images)

On Thursday, Hillary Clinton released a statement supporting the proposed “We the People” Act that will be introduced by Senate Democrats. The plan is designed to remove money from politics and bring the democracy back to the people. The plan would add strict regulations to campaigns and PACs. The bill also includes provisions to limit lobbying in Washington, DC. Details of the plan will be introduced in the coming days; however, Clinton endorsed the plan saying it would “help restore our democracy and break the grip of wealth special interests in Washington.” A copy of Clinton’s statement is below:

“I applaud the Senate Democrats for proposing a strong package of reforms to help restore our democracy and break the grip of wealthy special interests in Washington. As I have said consistently in this campaign, we need to overturn the disastrous Citizens United decision and make government more responsive to the American people. Our elections should be shaped by voters’ voices, not bought and sold by corporations and special interests.  Congress should pass this bill as quickly as possible—and should I be elected President, I would proudly sign it.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times

Clinton Endorsed by the National Association of Letter Carriers


On Thursday, Hillary Clinton was endorsed by the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC). In a statement, President Fredric Rolando said, “Secretary Clinton has a long history of supporting the issues most important to letter carriers—a strong Postal Service, collective-bargaining rights for postal employees and decent pay and benefits for all American workers. She has been a friend of NALC since her first meeting with us in 1994.” Clinton released a statement saying that she is honored to have earned the group’s endorsement and she will continue to fight for labor unions and their rights. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below:

“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the National Association of Letter Carriers.

The Postal Service is consistently ranked as the most trusted government agency, and the brothers and sisters of NALC are one reason why. Since our nation’s founding, efficient and effective mail service has connected families and enabled commerce. Today, more than 160 billion pieces of mail travel through the postal system each year—many of them in the hands of a Letter Carrier.

As President, I will stand with the Letter Carriers to protect workers’ fundamental rights to organize, to bargain collectively, to be safe on the job, and to retire with dignity and security. And I will work with the Letter Carriers to build a bright future for the postal system and postal workers in the 21st century. I know that the postal system is still a vital lifeline for American communities from coast to coast, and recognize the Letter Carriers’ vital role in building the American middle class.

Above all, workers deserve a seat at the table and a champion in the White House. Because when workers are strong, families are strong—and when families are strong, America is strong.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NALC

Clinton Endorsed by the Sierra Club


On Thursday, the Sierra Club announced their endorsement of Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. The environmental group released a statement saying, “We firmly believe Secretary Clinton will be the strong environmental champion that we need to lead our country, which is why the Sierra Club is proud to endorse her and her vision for America.” Clinton released a statement saying that she is proud to receive the group’s endorsement and will protect the environment and fight climate change. She stressed the importance of preserving Earth, as there isn’t a “Plan B.” A copy of Clinton’s statement is below:

“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the Sierra Club, an organization that has fought to protect our environment, our natural wonders, and the health of our children for more than a century.

Climate change is real and we can see its impacts in our communities right now. We need to take immediate action to make America the clean energy superpower of the 21st century, create good-paying jobs, and make sure no one is left out or left behind, from communities struggling with the legacy of environmental racism to the coalfield communities that kept America’s lights on for generations.

The stakes for our children’s health and the future of our planet have never been higher. Donald Trump has called climate change a Chinese hoax and said he will scrap the landmark Paris climate agreement.  He has pledged to open up millions of acres of pristine public lands and waters to fossil fuel production at a time when America’s public lands are under unprecedented pressures.  We need to be accelerating the transition to a clean energy future and creating thousands of good-paying, high-quality jobs, not letting a climate denier anywhere near the White House.

The challenges facing our environment have changed since John Muir’s day, but one thing remains the same–there is no Planet B.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Sierra Club

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by IBEW


On Wednesday, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) endorsed Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. In a statement, IBEW President Lonnie R. Stephenson said the union supports Clinton because of her commitment to labor. “Secretary Clinton has vowed to invest in our industrial and energy infrastructure and push for stronger enforcement of labor law, including cracking down on wage theft that is all too common in the construction industry.” Clinton issued a statement saying that she is honored to receive the group’s endorsement and that she will continue to fight for labor rights. A copy of her statement is below:

“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.

For more than 100 years, the IBEW has kept the lights on in America’s homes and businesses and enabled Americans to communicate with each other from coast to coast. They have powered the American economy, and along the way they have helped build the American middle class.

As President, I will always stand with the IBEW to protect workers’ fundamental rights to organize, to bargain collectively, to be safe on the job, and to retire with dignity and security after years of hard work. And I was proud to join striking workers on the picket line this year as they stood up to Verizon and fought for a fair deal.

And together, we will make the kinds of investments that make our economy work for everyone—including by building a 21st century energy and communications system. We need to invest in a smarter and more resilient electrical grid, to make infrastructure permitting more efficient so we can build the transmission lines we need to get clean energy to market, and expand high-speed broadband to every home in America.

Above all, we will make sure American workers have a seat at the table and a champion in the White House. Because when workers are strong, families are strong—and when families are strong, America is strong.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: IBEW

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by President Obama


On a day where Hillary Clinton was endorsed by a number of important trade unions and an environmental group, she received one of the biggest endorsements possible from President Barack Obama. Clinton battled Obama in the 2008 primary and served as his Secretary of State from 2009 – 2013. In a video released by the Clinton campaign, Obama said, “I know how hard this job can be. That’s why I know Hillary will be so good at it. In fact, I don’t think there’s ever been someone so qualified to hold this office.” Clinton responded on Twitter saying that it is an honor to have him on board. The endorsement video is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC News