Hillary Clinton’s Wednesday Interview Blitz


On the day after securing the delegates to become the first female presidential candidate nominated by a major political party, Hillary Clinton made the press circuit today talking about her nomination, her plans for the country, the upcoming general election between her and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, and a variety of other other topics. Clinton spoke to a series of television and print reporters for: The Wall Street Journal, Fox News, The Washington Post, The New York Times, ABC News, and CBS News. To read more about each interview, including transcripts, click the links. Videos for the televised interviews are below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Wall Street Journal, Fox News, The Washington Post, The New York Times, ABC News, CBS News,

Hillary Clinton Statement on Tel Aviv Terrorist Attack


Today, four people were killed and five were injured when terrorists fired shots into a crowded marketplace in Tel Aviv, Israel. The attackers were dressed as Hasidic Jews to disguise themselves. Two suspects are currently in Israeli custody. Hillary Clinton released a statement condemning the attacks saying that she stands with the Israeli people. Clinton’s full statement is below:

“I condemn the heinous terrorist attack in Tel Aviv today.  I send my deepest condolences to the families of those killed and I will continue to pray for the wounded. I stand in solidarity with the Israeli people in the face of these ongoing threats, and in unwavering support of the country’s right to defend itself. Israel’s security must remain non-negotiable.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by the United Steelworkers


On Wednesday, the United Steelworkers endorsed Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. The endorsement comes one day after Clinton cleared the delegate threshold required to become the Democratic Party nominee for president. In a statement released by the labor union, they said, “Given her vast experience both with foreign and domestic policy, Hillary Clinton is a supremely qualified candidate, one of the most qualified candidates ever to seek the presidency.” Clinton responded to the endorsement saying that steel is critical to the economy, and she vowed to stand beside labor unions and ensure their rights. Clinton’s statement is below:

“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the United Steelworkers.

The USW helped build America—and along the way, they have helped build the mighty American middle class.

Steel is crucial to our economy, our manufacturing base, and our national security. As President, I will stand with the USW in the fight to protect workers’ fundamental rights to organize, to bargain collectively, to stay safe on the job and retire with dignity. As a Senator from New York, I stood with steelworkers against efforts to undermine the competitiveness of American steel. And as President, I will throw the book at China and stop their illegal efforts to dump cheap steel in U.S. markets.

And together, we will fight to make the kinds of investments that make America’s economy grow for workers everywhere. We’ll make the biggest investment in infrastructure since Dwight Eisenhower built the Interstate Highway System, and make sure that we’re buying American materials to build America’s infrastructure. We’ll invest in manufacturing, because we can and we will make things in America.

Above all, I will always have workers’ backs. Unions like USW will always have a seat at the table and a champion in the White House. Because when workers are strong, families are strong—and when families are strong, America is strong.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Bloomberg