Live: Results from West Virginia


West Virginia went to the polls in the Democratic primary to choose between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Polls had been close between the candidates and there was fear that Clinton’s stance on coal may hurt her in the state. Sanders won the primary by a margin of 51.4% to 35.8%. With two other Democrats on the ballot receiving votes, the delegate count was important and Sanders came out ahead in the delegate count, but ultimately netted a few pledged delegates over Clinton. The next Democratic primaries are next Tuesday, May 17, when voters in Kentucky and Oregon will head to the polls.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Lexington and Louisville


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton held three events in Kentucky while citizens of neighboring West Virginia voted in their Democratic primary. Clinton’s first event was in Lexington where she laid out a new plan to help parents with the rising costs of child care. Speaking at a roundtable event, Clinton outlined the plan and spoke with care providers and parents about the importance of child care and the struggle for many families to find and afford adequate care. The bullet points of the plan includes:

  • Improve the quality of care by giving a RAISE (Respect And Increased Salaries for Early Childhood Educators) to America’s child care workforce
  • Provide home visiting services for more than 2 million parents and children in the next 10 years
  • Support young parents as the balance family responsibilities and their careers
  • Award scholarships of up to $1,500 per year to as many as one million student parents
  • Increase access to child care on college campuses by serving an additional 250,000 children
  • Doubling federal investment in high quality early learning programs
  • Making preschool universal for every 4-year old in America
  • Proving working parents paid time off to care for a new baby

The full plan can be read on The Briefing and a video from the event is available below.

Clinton then traveled to Louisville where she spoke at a rally. During her speech, Clinton focused on the economy and her plans to raise incomes and create new jobs. She also spoke about a number of other platform points before turning her attention to local politics and her Republican opposition. She criticized Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin for his plans to scrap the state’s health insurance exchanges and the state’s expansion of medicaid, both of which were provided as a result of the Affordable Care Act. Clinton then turned her attention to Republicans and their endless attacks on her career saying, “The right wing never gives up attacking me. I think they are going to throw everything but the kitchen sink at me…I’ve got a message for them. They’ve done it for 25 years and I’m still standing.” A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

In the evening, Clinton spoke at a second organizing event in Louisville. During her speech at Louisville Slugger Field, Clinton took a number of shots at presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump and his disparaging comments about women and minorities. She said, “You could not imagine a more different vision for our country than the one between our side, of Democrats for progress, for prosperity, for fairness and opportunity than the presumptive nominee on the Republican side.” Clinton focused on her plans to continue the progress of President Barack Obama’s administration and ensure that people have access to health care and affordable higher education. A full video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Courier-Journal, WKYT, WEKU, The Briefing, Courier-Journal