Clinton Wins PA, DE, MD, CT Primaries


Hillary Clinton has won the Democratic primaries in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and Connecticut. Bernie Sanders won the Rhode Island contest. It was an important night for Clinton as she gained a number of important delegates to get her closer to the Democratic nomination. Numbers will be updated tomorrow once the full results are reported.

Clinton held a victory rally in Philadelphia where she thanked the volunteers and voters that made tonight’s victories possible. During her speech, Clinton focused more on the general election and unifying the Democratic party to defeat the Republicans in November. She spoke about a number of people that she has met throughout the campaign and how thier personal stories drive her to build a country where everyone rises together and not just those at the top. She said, “We will unify our party to win this election and build an America where we can all rise together – an America where we lift each other up instead of tearing each other down.” A video of her speech is below.

State/Territory Type Winner
Maryland Closed Primary Hillary Clinton
Connecticut Closed Primary Hillary Clinton
Delaware Closed Primary Hillary Clinton
Pennsylvania Closed Primary Hillary Clinton
Rhode Island Semi-closed Primary Bernie Sanders

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: , Politico