Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Connecticut, Rhode Island


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton spent the day in Connecticut and Rhode Island. In New Haven, Connecticut, Clinton held a rountable event that focused on working families. The primary topics of discussion were ways to raise wages, including the minimum wage, promote early childhood education, and reduce the wage gap between men and women. On the topic of equal pay, she said, “Equal pay — we shouldn’t be talking about it in 2016. It is almost embarrassing.” Clinton has returned to holding smaller conversational campaign events as she rallies supporters for next week’s primaries in Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. A video from the event is below.

Clinton then rallied supporters at an organizing event in Central Falls, Rhode Island. During her speech, Clinton spoke about a number of platform topics including women’s rights, organized labor, health care, immigration reform, gun control, and climate change. She also took a shot at her Democratic rival Bernie Sanders by saying, “I am not making promises I can’t keep.” She praised Rhode Islanders and asked for their support on Tuesday. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Fox 61, WPRI