Hillary Clinton on Good Morning America, Campaigns in CT


On Thursday morning, Hillary Clinton appeared on ABC’s Good Morning America for a town hall style segment. Clinton was interviewed by Robin Roberts and George Stephanopoulos before taking questions from those in attendance. She was asked questions on a number of topics including some of her platform points, her Democratic rival Bernie Sanders, her thoughts on the Republican presidential candidates, and she was asked some light hearted questions as well. She was asked what her husband’s (former president Bill Clinton) most annoying habit was. She answered, “No matter how tired he is, he always feels like he has to read before he goes to sleep. That means I have to get up and go around and turn the light off before I go to bed!” A video from this morning’s episode is below.

Clinton then went to Hartford, Connecticut where she attended a conversation on gun violence held at the Wilson-Gray YMCA. Clinton also met with families of victims of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The discussion included families that have lost loved ones as a direct result of shootings or gun violence. During the 90-minute conversation, a number of the family members shared their stories, the group took questions from the audience, and Clinton said that she would fight for common sense gun control and the introduction of mandatory background checks before purchasing a firearm. She said, “If anything else was killing 33,000 Americans a year, we’d be doing something about it. I’m not here to make promises I can’t keep. But I will spend every day as President trying to get gun control.” A video from today’s event is below.

This evening, Clinton returned to New York City for a fundraiser hosted by Donna Zaccaro and Paul Ullman, Anne and John Zaccaro.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC News, Fox 61, Hartford Courant,

Bill Clinton Campaigns in PA, Chelsea in MD


On Thursday, Bill and Chelsea Clinton were on the campaign trail on behalf of Hillary Clinton. Bill spoke to a crowd of supporters at the Keystone Building in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and he emphasized Hillary’s experience and her plans to create jobs, reduce student debt, and continue health care reform. The focus of his speech was equality and ensuring that everyone in America was benefiting from the country’s successes. He said that the country is stronger when everyone rises together. Bill argued that is Hillary’s primary concern. He said, “She always finds a way to make something good happen. That’s why she should be president.” Bill also attended a evening fundraiser in Westport, Connecticut. A video from today’s event will be added when/if available.


Chelsea held three organizing events in Maryland to encourage early voting and to rally support for her mother before next week’s primary. She spoke at events in Silver Springs, Beltsville, and Randallstown. At each of the events, she spoke about the importance of the 2016 election and why Hillary is the best choice for president. She pointed to Hillary’s experience and said that this election is “the most important election in my lifetime.” Chelsea took questions from attendees on a number of topics including her mother’s Democratic rival Bernie Sanders, the refinancing of student loans, and the perception of Hillary being untrustworthy. A clip from WBAL’s news coverage of Chelsea’s visit is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Penn Live, York Dispatch, DC Inno, The Frederick News-Post

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Philadelphia


Following her landslide win in New York, Hillary Clinton returned to the campaign trail on Wednesday before next week’s primary contests by attending two events in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She began by attending a community discussion  at St. Paul’s Baptist Church on police conduct that included former Attorney General Eric Holder, Geneva Reed-Veal, the mother of Sandra Bland, and other families affected by the actions of law enforcement. During the discussion, Reed-Veal recalled the actions of police officers that took the life of her daughter. Clinton vowed to work with law enforcement to change policies, demilitarize police forces, and improve police training. She said that she was willing to work with anyone to provide solutions saying, “They’re asking us to be there for them. I will do everything I can imagine. I want these women and so many other family members to hold me accountable for everything I can possibly do, because it is wrong.” A full video of the event is below.

Clinton then spoke at an organizing event at The Fillmore where she spoke about a number of her platform points and took shots at the Republican presidential candidate field. While Clinton’s message has been focused on the work to be done, she is optimistic saying, “I want us all to be reminded of the incredible legacy that we’ve all inherited. [But] I believe that our best years can still be ahead of us.” She went on to ask for voters’ support next Tuesday, and she said that she looks forward to returning to Philadelphia in June for the Democratic National Convention.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Los Angeles Times, The Daily Pennsylvanian