Hillary Clinton Wins New York


New Yorkers headed to the polls yesterday to cast their ballots for their choice for the Democratic presidential race, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. They overwhelmingly chose Hillary Clinton. As of posting, with 99.6% of precincts reporting, Clinton leads Sanders 58.0% to 42.0%. Both Bill and Hillary Clinton voted in Chappaqua before visiting with voters throughout New York City.

Clinton spoke at a victory rally in Times Square on Tuesday evening. During her speech, she thanked New Yorkers and the campaign volunteers who helped make her victory possible. Then, she spoke about the path forward to the nomination and her platform plans. Clinton also referenced a number of New Yorkers she had met on the campaign trail. She concluded her speech saying, “The motto of this state is “Excelsior, ever upward.” So let’s go out and win this election.” A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

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News Source: Newsweek, Politico, New York Daily News