Hillary Clinton Campaigns in New York, Maryland


Today, Hillary Clinton attended campaign events in three states. She began by attending Sunday morning services at the Greater Allen AME Cathedral in Jamaica, Queens. The church is led by former Congressman Rev. Floyd Flake. During her remarks to the congregation, Clinton spoke about empowering people by expanding economic opportunity. She also spoke about her plans to reduce gun violence by introducing mandatory background checks and taking on criminal justice reform.

In Baltimore, Maryland, Clinton spoke to an enthusiastic crowd after being introduced and endorsed by Congressman Elijah E. Cummings. She spoke about the accomplishments of the state of Maryland to expand paid sick leave saying that it something she would like to expand to a national level. Clinton also acknowledged the issue facing the city of Baltimore and pledged to be supportive saying, “I particularly want to pay attention to our cities, like Baltimore. I will focus particularly on communities, neighborhoods, regions that have been passed by.” Videos of today’s events will be posted when/if available.

Clinton wrapped up the day in McLean, Virginia where she attended a fundraiser. The event was held at the home of Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe and his wife, Dorothy.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Newsday, Baltimore Sun

Bill Clinton Campaigns in Harlem, Queens


On Sunday, Bill Clinton campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton in Harlem and Queens. He began in Harlem this morning where he attended Sunday services at three churches. The three churches that he spoke at were: Abyssinian Baptist Church, Antioch Baptist Church, and Mount Neboh Baptist Church. At each church, Bill was introduced by Rep. Charles Rangel, and she spoke about Hillary’s plans to increase minimum wage and opportunities for everyone across the country.

Bill then spoke at an organizing events at the New York Hall of Science in Queens and the John John Jay College in New York City. At both events, he spoke about Hillary’s plans to increase incomes and continue building on the economy so everyone can prosper. He also spoke about criminal justice reform and referenced the death of Eric Garner. Garner was selling cigarettes in New York City and died when he was put in a choke hold by police. Bill said, “I say that because they may not have intended to kill that man—they violated procedural rules with a chokehold with a very heavy guy. People do stuff like that when they’re scared, when they’re alienated, when they feel like there’s this vast divide—and we have to get rid of that.” Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

A number of fundraisers were held today on behalf of Hillary for America. In Washington, DC, Campaign Chair John Podesta attended an event that included Senior Policy Advisor Maya Harris. The event was hosted by Maddy Beckwith, Ezekiel Emanuel, Terry Lierman, Tony Podesta, Chris Putala, and Oscar Ramirez. A fundraiser was also held in Villanova, Pennsylvania. The event included a conversation with Valerie Plame and was hosted by Stella M. Tsai and Jannie K. Lau. The final event was a virtual conversation with Foreign Policy Advisor Laura Rosenberger for American citizens living in São Paulo, Brazil.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: New York Daily News, Newsday, Observer

Hillary Clinton Interviewed on CNN’s State of the Union

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On Sunday morning, an interview between CNN’s Jake Tapper and Hillary Clinton was aired during an episode of State of the Union. Clinton was asked about a number of topics including the upcoming New York primary, comments that her husband, Bill Clinton, made earlier in the week, and her battle with Senator Bernie Sanders. Clinton refused to say anything negative about Sanders saying that she would rather have him in the White House than Republicans Donald Trump or Ted Cruz.

She also defended her plan to introduce a $12 federal minimum wage despite New York and California recently introducing $15 minimum wage laws. Clinton said, “There are a lot of places that are not well off around the country they’re required to have $7.25 wage to go from that to $12 is big leap. Now I want to encourage every place that can go to $15 the New York cities, Los Angeles, Seattle and California raised its minimum wage, but it also took into account different geographic areas with different economic circumstances.” A video of the full interview is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN