Hillary Clinton Presents Manufacturing Plan in Syracuse


On Friday, Hillary Clinton held two public events in Syracuse, New York. The first was a round table discussion during which she unveiled her plans to boost manufacturing. The plan calls for an investment of $10 billion and is called “Make it in America.” The basic components of the plan include:

  • The establishment of “Make it in America Partnerships” that make America the first choice for manufacturing production by harnessing regional strengths.
  • Prevent foreign countries like China from abusing global trade rules, and reject trade agreements that do not meet high standards.
  • Revitalize the hardest-hit manufacturing communities.
  • Crack down on companies shipping jobs and earnings overseas – and create incentives for companies to bring back jobs to the U.S.
  • Invest in America’s manufacturing workforce to ensure that they will always be the best in the world.

Full details of her plan can be read on The Briefing, and a video from the round table event is below.

Clinton then held a public rally in Syracuse’s Regional Market where she covered a number of topics including her pledge to fight for equal pay for women, making higher education more affordable, and growing the economy of New York and and the country. She also touched on the topic she covered earlier in the day at the small business round table saying, “Upstate New York has a storied history of manufacturing. We now have a chance to recapture that.” While in Syracuse, Clinton also made stop at Varsity Pizza where she posed for pictures and signed basketballs. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Clinton also attended two fundraisers today. The first was held before the rally in Syracuse where donors could meet Clinton. She then traveled to New Jersey for a fundraiser in Tenafly.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Syracuse.com, WXXI, Syracuse.com, The Briefing

Bill Clinton Campaigns in Wisconsin


On Friday, Bill Clinton campaigned for Hillary Clinton in Wisconsin. Speaking at Lawrence University in Appleton, Clinton focused on a number of Hillary’s platform points including her idea for Wall Street reform, her plan to lower the cost of higher education, and her focus on clean energy. He also criticized Republican front-runner Donald Trump for his plans to build a wall on the United States’ border with Mexico and said that the focus needed to be on building a strong middle class. He said, “We can do this, but we can’t do this until we tear down (economic) barriers.” A video from today’s speech will be posted when/if available.

Also campaigning on behalf of Hillary on Friday were two Hillary for America advisors. In State College, Pennsylvania, Foreign Policy Advisor Laura Rosenberger attended a fundraiser hosted by Michael Berkman, Sue Port, John McCarthy, Patricia House, Virginia McGregor, Art Patterson, and Nancy Chiswick. Meanwhile in Newtown, Pennsylvania, Campaign Chair John Podesta hosted an event at the home of John Cordisco.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Appleton Post-Crescent

Clinton Interviewed by Business Insider

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On Thursday, Hillary Clinton was interviewed by Business Insider CEO Henry Blodget. During the interview, Clinton was asked about a number of topics including her campaign and her ties to Wall Street. A portion of the interview was also dedicated to a line of questioning to get her thoughts on Republican front-runner Donald Trump. She said that she felt he was not prepared to lead the military and that many of his proposals were troubling. She said, “These [proposals] are incredibly dangerous ideas that need to be confronted.” A full video of the interview is not available, but you can read recaps and watch clips HERE and HERE.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Business Insider