Tonight: Clinton Interview on CNN


Last night, Hillary Clinton and the remaining presidential candidates were interviewed on CNN. The three hour event, dubbed “The Final Five,” allowed each of the candidates to propose their final arguments before Tuesday’s primaries. During Clinton’s portion of the interview, Cooper asked her about her thoughts on Republican candidate Donald Trump and whether he would behave differently as president. She simply responded, “Who knows?”

Cooper than turned his questioning toward the primaries and her battle with Democratic rival Bernie Sanders. She dismissed suggestions that Sanders would be stronger in the general election saying that she is not a big believer in polls this far out from an election and at point where the final candidates haven’t been chosen. Clinton and Cooper also touch on a number of other topics including the Supreme Court, the United States’ relationship with Israel, and a number of platform topics. A video of Clinton’s interview with Cooper is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN

Hillary Clinton Addresses AIPAC


On Monday morning, Hillary Clinton addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) where she pledged her support for Israel if elected president. She said, “America can’t ever be neutral when it comes to Israel’s security and survival.” Her comments were in direct opposition from those of Republican front-runner Donald Trump, who has not appeared to be as friendly toward Israel. Clinton assured Israelis that with her at the helm, Israel would would have the full support of the United States, and she would continue to supply Israel militarily, combat anti-Semitism, ensure Iran holds to its end of the recent nuclear agreement, and continue to combat Iranian proxies such as Hezbollah.

Her address has been criticized by some as pandering, but Clinton made it clear that she would continue President Barack Obama’s stance toward Israel while defending the nuclear agreement with Iran. Republican presidential candidates Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich were all scheduled to address AIPAC today as well. Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders did not attend the event, but focused on Tuesday’s primaries instead. A full video of Clinton’s speech is below and a transcript is available HERE.

Clinton then went to Phoenix, Arizona for a rally before tomorrow’s primary. During her speech at Carl Hayden Community High School, Clinton talked about a number of her platform points including heath care, added assistance for small businesses, and immigration reform. She also spent part of speech talking about the current political environment. She vowed to work with Republicans and Democrats alike if elected president saying, “I don’t remember anything like this. I will do anything we can to find a common ground. Anger is not a strategy.” A video from the event will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Phoenix Business Journal, The New York Times

Bill, Chelsea, Others Campaign for Hillary on Monday


On Monday, a number of people campaigned in support of Hillary Clinton. Bill Clinton was in Washington, where he attended an Organizing Event in Spokane. Speaking at Spokane Falls Community College, Bill focused on the rising cost of education and Hillary’s plan to make college more affordable by expanding grant programs, expand work study programs, and simplify student loans. He explained that Hillary would pay for these changes by raising taxes on the wealthy. A video of his speech is below.

Tonight, Bill attend a second rally in Vancouver. During his speech, Bill characterized Hillary as a strong leader who would be a great commander-in-chief and a tough diplomat. He then spoke about Hillary’s plans to make college more affordable, to build upon the heath care system, help small businesses, and immigration reform. Following the event, Bill attended a Vancouver area fundraiser hosted by Craig Hartzman, Jim John, and Jane and Paul Jacobsen. A video from the public event is below.

This afternoon, Chelsea Clinton attended a fundraiser at the home of Ambassador Eleni Kounalakis. The reception took place in San Francisco, California. As with all private fundraisers, it was closed to the press.

In Dallas, Texas, Campaign Manager Robby Mook attended a fundraiser at the home of Dr. Mark Parker and Eric Johnson. Meanwhile, Campaign Chair John Podesta hosted a fundraiser in Washington, DC that featured a number of former members of Congress including: Jim Blanchard, Dennis Cardoza, Bob Carr, Vic Fazio, Martin Frost, Bart Gordon, Kay Hagan, Barbara Kennelly, Mary Landrieu, Blanche Lincoln, Tom McMillen, Jim Moran, Earl Pomeroy, Mark Pryor, Bart Stupak, John Tanner, and Alan Wheat. Podesta hosted a second Washington, DC area fundraiser hosted by Susan Brophy, Ann Castagnetti, David Castagnetti, Steve Elmendorf, Jeff Forbes, and Joel Johnson. The final fundraiser of the day was in New York City where Senior Policy Advisor Jake Sullivan attended an event hosted by Judith Hochman and Richard Fuchs, Meghann Curtis and Michael Fuchs, Carol and Richard Hochman.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Spokesman-Review, Oregon Live