Hillary Clinton Wins Mississippi Democratic Primary


Hillary Clinton soundly won the Mississippi Democratic primary with the final tally being 82.6% to 16.5%. In Michigan, Clinton’s Democratic rival Bernie Sanders pulled off a surprising upset and won the state by the narrow margin of 49.8% to 48.3%. In the delegate count, Clinton actually extended her lead due to the way delegates are assigned proportionally.

Before the final results in Michigan were in, Clinton spoke to supporters in Cleveland, Ohio. She spoke briefly about the win in Mississippi, then turned her attention to Ohio. She spoke about her plans going forward in the campaign and how the 2016 race for president is more important than ever. She addressed a number of topics including lead poisoning and how it affect Cleveland, companies outsourcing jobs, gun violence, and the economy. A video from her speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico, Cleveland.com, CNN

Bill Clinton Campaigns in Midwest


After cancelling an appearance in Kansas City on Tuesday due to severe weather, Bill Clinton attended was able to attend campaign events in Illinois and Missouri. In Evanston, Illinois, Clinton spoke to a group of supporters at the Beth Emet The Free Synagogue. During his speech, he spoke about a number of Hillary’s platform points including heath care, gun control, and her plans to make college more affordable. Of Hillary’s college plan, he said, “(Sanders) wants free tuition for everybody at state universities. (Hillary Clinton) wants everybody to be able to graduate without debt, from public or private institutions. I think her idea is better for one simple reason: If all we do is subsidize tuition, it will just lead to an inflation in tuition costs.” While in the area, Clinton also visited with patrons of MacArthur’s Restaurant in Austin.

Clinton was able to attend a Get Out the Vote event in St. Louis, Missouri. During the event at the Machinists Hall, Clinton spoke about Hillary’s experience and how she is the best candidate to handle major issues such as the economy, immigration reform, and heath care. He touched on her plan to make college more affordable, like he had earlier in the day, but he spoke about how those with current student debt will be able to re-finance and make paying of the debt easier and more affordable. He also spoke about her experience with bipartisan deals and said that she would be a leader that could bring both parties together on a number of issues.

In Washington, DC tonight, Jacques Panis, President of Shinola, was the key speaker at a fundraiser. Hosted by Jo Ousterhout and Shelly Porges, the event was targeted toward entrepreneurs and topic of conversation was “Rebuilding the American Dream.”

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CBS St. Louis, Chicago Tribune