Hillary Clinton and the CNN Democratic Town Hall


On Tuesday evening, Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders took part in a CNN Town Hall live from Columbia, South Carolina. The event was held before Saturday’s primary. During the event, Clinton spoke about battling societal racism saying that white people should recognize “that our experiences may not equip us to understand what a lot of our African-American fellow citizens go through every single day.” She was also asked about her speeches for Wall Street firms and how she is the best candidate to work with Republicans in Congress get things accomplished. A video from the event is below.

Earlier in the day, Clinton held a “Breaking Down Barriers Forumā€ at the Central Baptist Church in Columbia. The event included speeches by mothers who have lost their children to gun violence and former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly. The topic of the forum was gun violence and policing policies. She spoke about systemic racism saying, “Something is very wrong when we have these incidents where kids can get arrested for petty crimes and lose their lives. Something is wrong when African Americans are three times more likely to be denied a mortgage as white people are, when the median wealth of black families is just a fraction of the median wealth for white families.” A video from the event is available on C-SPAN.


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News Source: CNN, Time, Mashable