Clinton, Sanders Draw Battle Lines in Debate


During last night’s Democratic Debate, which aired on PBS, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders critiqued each others policies, but did so in a fairly calm manner. While Clinton attacked Sanders during last week’s debate in New Hampshire, this week, Clinton went for a more diplomatic approach. She was calm and effective as she laid out her plans and how they differed from those of Sanders. Clinton worked tactfully to dismantle Sanders’ plans, including his plans to offer free college tuition. She pointed out a flaw in his plan saying, “Senator Sanders’s plan really rests on making sure that governors like Scott Walker contribute $23 billion on the first day to make college free. I am a little skeptical about your governor actually caring enough about higher education to make any kind of commitment like that.”

Sanders attacked Clinton’s ties to Wall Street and her campaigns use of PACs to finance portions of the campaign. But this is a critique that Sanders has leveled at every debate and many of his campaign stops. These criticisms of Clinton are center to his campaign, as are his plans for a single-payer health care system and free college tuition. Clinton subtly criticized his platform as being narrow, and during her closing statement, she said, “I am not a single-issue candidate, and I do not believe we live in a single-issue country.” A full video from the debate is below, and a transcript is available HERE.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times

Bill and Chelsea Clinton Campaign for Hillary


As Hillary Clinton prepares for tonight’s debate, Bill and Chelsea Clinton have been on the trail campaigning on her behalf. Yesterday, another campaign official, treasurer Jose Villarreal was in Mexico city where he held two fundraisers with American citizens currently living in Mexico.

Today, Chelsea was in Michigan where she visited Flint. She met with officials regarding the recent water crisis and toured the children’s clinic at Hurley Medical Center. Hillary was in Flint last week and attended a public town hall to learn more about the crisis. Chelsea learned that 9,000 children have been exposed to water contaminated with lead. She said, “This is a challenge that will last generations.” While in Michigan, Chelsea also attended a fundraiser hosted by Ethan and Gretchen Davidson in Birmingham.

Tonight, Bill is scheduled to speak at an organizing event in Memphis, Tennessee. Coverage from his speech will be posted tomorrow.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Hill, The Detroit News, News Channel 5