Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea in Iowa Day Before Caucus


Today, the Clintons were in Iowa on the final day before the caucuses. While Chelsea spent the day traveling with her mom, Bill did attend one solo event. In Iowa City, Bill spoke for an hour about Hillary’s accomplishments and experience before he spoke about several issues that she is going to make a priority if elected president, including health care and education. He then urged caucus goers to support her tomorrow night. He said, “We are going to share the future, the only main issues are the terms on which we share it. Are they going to be positive or negative? She’s the best change maker I have ever known and I hope you caucus for her tomorrow night.” A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Hillary’s first event of the day was in Council Bluffs. After being introduced by Chelsea, she asked the full house to support her in tomorrows caucus and discussed a number of her platform plans. She spoke about equal pay for women, the economy, repairing the country’s infrastructure, and working with other countries to keep us safe.

In Sioux City, Hillary only mentioned Democratic rival Bernie Sanders once when she was referring to her heath care plan and how it differs from his. She promised to make college more affordable, improve the country’s crumbling infrastructure, invest in clean energy, and combat climate change. She repeated her pledge to not raise taxes on those in the middle class as well. Hillary told the crowd, “If you stand up to caucus for me tomorrow (Monday) night, I will stand up for you.”

The final event of the day, and the final event before tomorrow night’s caucuses, was in Des Moines where a crowd of 2,600 turned out to see Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea. After brief speeches by Bill and Chelsea, Hillary took the stage to deliver her closing arguments before the caucus. She attached Republicans for “collective amnesia,” forgetting that it was the very policies that they are proposing that caused the recession. She also spoke about Wall Street and how there were ads funded by Wall Street against her running in Iowa because of her plans to regulate “shadow” banking. She also spoke about climate change, clean energy, and taxes.

Tomorrow is the Iowa caucus. No events are scheduled other than the victory party tomorrow night. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Gazette, KETV, Sioux City Journal, Variety