Clinton Calls on Sanders to Join MSNBC Debate

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On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton spoke to MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews via telephone. They discussed a proposed Democratic debate that would be televised by MSNBC. The debate would be held on February 4th in New Hampshire, only 5 days before the New Hampshire primary. Clinton urged the Democratic National Committee to agree to sponsor the debate. Bernie Sanders has said that he would not participate in a debate not sanctioned by the DNC, but Clinton is hopeful that the DNC and his campaign could work things out. She said, “Look, I’m ready for the debate and I hope Senator Sanders will change his mind and join us. I think the DNC and the campaigns should be able to work this out.  I’ve been for, you know, for a long time, that I’d be happy to have more debates and I hope we can get this done.” You can watch the interview by CLICKING HERE.

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News Source: The Washington Post, MSNBC