Clinton Interviewed by Chris Matthews


Hillary Clinton appeared on Tuesday’s edition of Hardball with Chris Matthews on MSNBC. During the interview, Clinton refused to address the attacks directed and her and husband by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, but she did take the opportunity to criticize his and the other GOP candidates stance on a number of issues, particularly their anti-Muslim attitude. She said, “We need to have a sense of unity and purpose in combating terrorism. What I’m hearing from the other side is not only offensive and shameful; it’s dangerous.”

Clinton also discussed her support of gun control measures and the actions taken by President Barack Obama to expand background checks for gun buyers. She stressed how important the issue is and that, although it is a divisive issue, we can accomplish a lot by working together. The interview was broken into three parts which you can watch by following the links: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

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News Source: USA Today, MSNBC