Clinton Expands on Immigration Policy


In a speech on Monday night in Brooklyn, New York, Hillary Clinton provided more details about her plans for immigration reform at the National Immigration Integration Conference. While she has laid out aspects of her plan on her website, she went in more detail on her plan to provide more assistance to people eligible for citizenship including waiving fees, increasing access to language programs, and closing privately run detention centers. She criticized Republicans, particularly Marco Rubio and Donald Trump, for their anti-immigration rhetoric and the notion that anti-immigration policies are part of what is necessary to “make America great again.” She said, “There are millions of people in America who could be naturalized but for one reason or another, they’re not. So let’s help more of our neighbors claim their rights. It’s so powerful, so precious to be a citizen of the United States.” A video from last night’s event is below.

Today, Clinton gave a speech in Minneapolis, Minnesota outlining her plan to combat homegrown terrorism and radicalism. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WNYC, ABC News