Clinton Returns to Nevada


Yesterday, Hillary Clinton returned to Nevada where she began by meeting with victims of substance abuse and toured a facility helping them. After briefly meeting with Democratic officials, she visited a rehabilitation center called Crossroads. The center is a partnership between Washoe County Social Services and Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada. The center helps those with substance abuse recover. She praised the center saying, “I am so impressed with how you have done this. This facility uses public, private and Catholic services, to be so successful and it’s not only working, it’s so much cheaper than so many other programs. It’s a good model and one I’d like to see more of across the country.”

Clinton then held a rally at E.L. Pine Middle School in Reno. Clinton fired up the crowd by asking voters to not get caught up in Republicans’ fear mongering when it comes to ISIS and terrorism. She criticized the Republican field for turning against the Muslim world, and not focusing on those waging terror. Clinton outlined her plan for the United States and the world to defeat ISIS in a global effort. Clinton covered a number of other platform topics including substance abuse, gun control, tax reform, and Wall Street. A video from the rally is below.

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News Source: KTVN, Las Vegas Review-Journal, CNN