Clinton Comments About Vice President Joe Biden

Getty_102015_HillaryClintonToday, Vice President Joe Biden announced his decision not to run for president in 2016. There has been much speculation about a possible run by Biden. Hillary Rodham Clinton released a statement today praising Biden for his dedication to the United States and his character. The full statement is below:

Joe Biden is a good man and a great Vice President.  Serving alongside him in the Senate and then the administration, I saw first-hand his passion for our country and our people.  Like millions of others, I admire his devotion to family, his grace in grief, his grit and determination on behalf of the middle class, and his unyielding faith in America’s promise.  As Vice President, Joe has been by President Obama’s side for every pivotal decision.  He helped save the auto industry and pull our economy back from the brink of depression.  He continues to fight for higher wages, safer communities, and a more peaceful world.  It’s a record to be proud of, defend, and build on.  And I am confident that history isn’t finished with Joe Biden.  As he said today, there is more work to do.  And if I know Joe, he will always be on the front-lines, always fighting for all of us.

New Source: The Briefing