Clinton Interviewed by BuzzFeed’s Another Round

enhanced-3486-1444326569-1Hillary Rodham Clinton’s interview by BuzzFeed’s Another Round Podcast was published this evening, and during the interview, Clinton is asked a number of questions by the shows hosts Heben Nigatu and Tracy Clayton. While they did talk about about her policies as president and her campaign, they also moved away from politics to discuss pop culture, her favorite TV show The Good Wife, sexism in Washington, and squirrels. It’s an interesting interview. You can listen the episode of the Podcast below, on SoundCloud, or on iTunes.

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News Source: Another Round

Happy 40th Anniversary to the Clintons!

Today marks the 40th Wedding Anniversary of Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton. Both Clintons took to Twitter today and shared an image from their wedding day, October 11, 1975. We wish them a happy anniversary!