Clinton Visits AFL-CIO

Clinton speaks at a campaign event in New York, Monday, July 13, 2015 where she began to outline the economic agenda of her campaign.
Clinton speaks at a campaign event in New York, Monday, July 13, 2015 where she began to outline the economic agenda of her campaign.

Hillary Rodham Clinton visited the AFL-CIO in Maryland today seeking the group’s endorsement. The labor organization has been reluctant to throw their support behind any candidate this early in the primary, but Clinton is hoping to get their support. She focused on increasing the minimum wage. “I think it is important that we set a national minimum, but then we get out of the way of cities and states that believe that they can and should go higher,” she told reporters following the visit.

Following the event, Clinton spoke with reporters where she answered a number of questions, including one about the recent attempts by Congress to defund Planned Parenthood. Clinton criticized the efforts saying, “I think it is regrettable that Republicans are once again trying to undermine, even end those services that so many women have needed and taken advantage of. I think that it’s another effort by the Republicans to try to limit the health care options of women and we should not let them succeed once again.”

Tomorrow, Clinton is in Florida to give a speech and Florida International University, then she will attend the National Urban League Convention. Be sure to follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for all the latest updates.

New Source: NBC News, Time

Clinton Answers Questions from “The Skimm”

Screen Shot 2015-07-30 at 5.51.20 PMHillary Rodham Clinton answered a number of questions for the website The Skimm. She was asked to answer questions about her background, greatest strength, greatest weakness, and positions on a number of topics. For her strengths, Clinton said, “My greatest strength is my passionate commitment to helping people — and I feel so strongly that I had a lot of opportunities and that there are people, particularly women, who are just as talented and hardworking, but who haven’t had the same chances that I had. And one of the reasons why in all of my economic policies that I am talking about in this campaign I really put women at the center — and it’s not just because I am one — it’s because when women succeed, families do better, America does better… I think that a lot of my commitment and my strength is because I don’t quit, I stay focused, and I work hard to try to contribute to making life better for all of us.”

To read all of Clinton’s answers, CLICK HERE.

Source: The Skimm