Clinton Takes part in Independence Day Parade

RT_hillary_clinton_new_hampshire_jt_150704_16x9_992Hillary Rodham Clinton remained in New Hampshire on Saturday and celebrated Independence Day by taking part in a parade in Gorham, where she spoke with a number of people who turned out for the parade. Clinton then attended an organizing party in Glen, where she spoke about foreign policy. Her primary concern is China. She accused Beijing of hacking government information and expressed her concern about the growth of China’s military power in the Pacific.

Clinton also talked about Russia and the fact that the United States needs to continue engaging with President Vladimir Putin to better understand his intentions. She also addressed the nuclear deal with Iran that is still far from complete. Clinton warned that if a deal was not made, “Iran’s aggressiveness will not end.”

This coming week, Clinton is scheduled to return to Iowa. Her cross-country travel schedule is expected to continue to be aggressive as she continues to layout her campaign platform. Follow the campaign on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC News, The Telegraph

Clinton talks Health Care in New Hampshire

03firstdraft-hillary-clinton-nh-2-tmagArticleOn Friday, Clinton met with the citizens of Hanover, New Hampshire. She delivered a speech to an estimated crowd of 850 at The Bema. Clinton focused her attacks on Republicans and their reaction to the recent Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care Act. Clinton said the Republican candidates would repeal the act after taking office. Clinton also spoke about the need for new gun control laws and the potential nuclear deal with Iran. She also confronted recent criticism by defending her record as a liberal. She said, “I will fight hard against what I see as the injustice and unfairness in our society. I take a back seat to no one when you look at my record of standing up and fighting for progressive values.”

After giving her speech, Clinton went to Lebanon where she visited with people at Dairy Twirl ice cream parlor. She continues to focus on a grass roots effort in the early stages of the campaign. Follow along by following Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

A video from the event is available below:

News Source: New York Times