Clinton Returns to New Hampshire

Hillary Rodham Clinton returned to the Granite State on Monday where she made three stops: Rochester, Concord, and Manchester. In Manchester this evening, Clinton attended a Flag Day dinner, but the main two events took place earlier in the day. In Rochester, she attended an early childhood education summit at the YMCA where she spoke about the importance of early childhood education and her plan to provide universal preschool across the country. Before leaving the YMCA, Clinton took time to read a book to the children.

In Concord, Clinton held a campaign rally where she made it clear that her campaign was not about her husband, former President Bill Clinton, or President Barack Obama. She is running as herself. She said, “I will do what works … and I will be laying out policies that will give you a very clear idea of the direction I will head.” She reiterated the four fights that she spoke first about at the campaign rally held in New York on Saturday.

dem-2016-clintonOn Wednesday, Clinton is scheduled to be in South Carolina. Be sure to follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: New York Daily News

Des Moines Register Interview

299EED4400000578-0-image-a-38_1434314132340While in Iowa on Sunday, Hillary Rodham Clinton gave a rare one-on-one interview to The Des Moines Register. In the interview, Clinton talked about her ideas if she were to be elected president, and also the implications of possibly being the first woman president, but she doesn’t only want to be elected to make history. She said, “I expect to be judged on my merits, and the historic nature of my candidacy is one of the merits that I hope people take into account.”

Read the full interview by CLICKING HERE.

News Source: The Des Moines Register