Clinton Attends Private Fundraisers in Georgia and Florida

sfl-pictures-hillary-clinton-raises-money-in-s-001On Thursday and Friday of this week, Hillary Rodham Clinton spent time attending fundraisers in Georgia and Florida. On Thursday, Clinton made a stop in Atlanta to attend a fundraisers at the home of A.J. Johnson, one of the founding partners of  Georgetown Capital. On Thursday evening, Clinton went to Florida where she attended two fundraisers: one in Coconut Grove (at the home of Clinton friend Ira Leesfield) and Coral Gables (at the home of Nilda Hamilton, the widow of Jose Milton). On Friday, Clinton attended two more private fundraisers. One in Parkland at the home Michael Moskowitz, then at the home of John Morgan in Heathrow. All the fundraisers were private, so no press coverage is available.

Next week, Clinton is expected to attend in events in New York, Texas, and Connecticut. Keep up with all the latest campaign news by following Clinton on Twitter and Facebook.

News Source: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, CBS Miami