Clinton Focuses on Women’s Issues in South Carolina

Hillary Rodham Clinton visited South Carolina for the first time since announcing her presidential campaign. In Columbia, Clinton began by meeting with six minority women business owners at Kiki’s Chicken and Waffles. She held a roundtable where the business owners shared their ideas and concerns with Clinton.

Clinton then delivered the keynote address at the South Carolina Democratic Women’s Council’s Day in Blue conference. She spoke about a woman’s right to equal pay saying that the issue was not only a women’s issue, but a family issue. She said, “When any parent is short-changed, the entire family is short-changed, and if families are short-changed, Americans are short-changed.” She advocated for strengthening the middle class and said that equal pay for women was a step in the right direction. Clinton proposed a paycheck fairness act that would provide the legal framework for business to disclose salaries for positions to ensure women are not being short-changed. A video of Clinton’s full speech at the South Carolina Democratic Women’s Council is available on C-SPAN.

Tomorrow, Clinton is scheduled to appear in Atlanta, Georgia. Follow along by following Clinton on Twitter and Facebook.

News Source: WCNC

Video Source: C-SPAN