Clinton’s Mid-Term Scorecard

Screen Shot 2014-11-09 at 8.21.49 PMSince the mid-term election defeat for several key Democrats, many in the media have been debating whether Hillary Clinton is a winner or loser following the election. Many in the media point to key wins or losses to support their point of view, but no one (as far as we can tell) has analyzed the numbers. Clinton made appearances for (at least) 23 candidates: 10 won, 12 lost, and 1 is still facing a runoff.

While the numbers don’t lie, the exposure she received made her winner in many respects. Whether you view this election cycle as a win or loss for Clinton, she returned to politics, asserted her position, and supported her party in a year when heavy losses were predicted across the board.

The chart above includes a list of candidates Clinton supported and whether they won or lost. NOTE: The list only includes candidates for whom Clinton made a personal appearance. She did assist other candidates by recording phone calls and posting messages of support to the candidate’s social media pages or website.