Campaign for Tom Wolf (PA)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton hit the campaign trail appearing at an event for Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf. Clinton’s remarks at the event were much more political in nature. Although a number of her events since leaving the State Department have been in an activist role, she has often shied away from politics. All this changed as she began campaigning for the mid-term elections. She echoed Wolf’s political beliefs.

Clinton made strong statements about the economy and the job market, but she was careful not to call out anyone by name. She said, ““We have spent years now clawing our way back, out of the hole that was dug in 2008, but we have a lot more to do if we want to release our full potential and make sure that American families finally feel the rewards of recovery. And that’s particularly true, in my opinion, for American women. Ask yourself, why do women still get paid less than men for the same work? Why, after American women have contributed so much to our economy over the decades, do we act as if it were 1955?”

Video Source: YouTube

News Source: Politico