Good Morning America

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s memoir, Hard Choices, hit shelves today and she started the day by appearing on ABC’s Good Morning America. Robin Roberts interviewed Clinton, and they discussed many of the same topics covered in the interview with Diane Sawyer which aired on ABC the night before. Topics covered included Benghazi and her plans for 2016. The interview was broken up in two sections, both of which are included in this post.

Interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer

Monday, June 9, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton was interviewed by Diane Sawyer in an hour special on ABC. The interview, which took place in Clinton’s home, kicked off the book tour for her memoir, Hard Choices. Sawyer asked Clinton tough questions about the attack on the American Embassy in Benghazi, the re-emergence of Monica Lewinsky, and her plans for 2016. We highly recommend watching the full interview.

Video Source: YouTube

Hard Choices on Shelves Now


Hillary Rodham Clinton’s memoir Hard Choices is now available nationwide. Visit your local book retailer or an online retailer to pick up a copy. For full coverage of the release, be sure to follow our home page and the Hard Choices section, which is broken up into the following pages:




